Monday, July 31, 2006

Just Go!

I love what my pastor said last night at church..."if the apostle Paul were with us right now and we asked him how we need to reach people for Christ he would probably say 'just go'"
It doesnt matter how you win people's hearts over to Christ it's just that you do it! If your way is by sharing the gospel with words, or by actions or by love in how you live your life then do it! Just go! Don't worry about the how...just go!

I'm so excited about this in my life...I know that I need to "go" more often. I need to share Christ more often & love more often & reach out more often...I don't need some HUGE Life changing drop everything event to get me there...I need to "go" now! I need to love my neighbor NOW...I need to reach out and hug NOW....I need to GO now....I keep thinking about our new neighborhood and how it will be fun to start over with a new batch of people to reach out to...but it's funny because I've almost forgot about the ones around me-right NOW...right here...Lord, remind me of the lost right here in my me creative ways to love & to share you with them...I want to "Go" now for you...starting today...

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