Saturday, March 25, 2006

I want my hair to look like Lucy Pevency!

So Abby says to me the other day,"Mom, I think I'd like to cut my hair to look like Lucy Pevency(on the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe)"
"Really" I sort of set the idea aside because I adore Abby's long hair. And also because everyday she wants to "pretend" that she is someone from some story or movie. So I thought that this was just one of those moments...well, she continued with the thought and asked me again.
"Would you really want to cut your hair?" I asked her.
"Oh yes!" she said with excitement.
I then remembered a friend of mine sharing with me how she had donated her hair to "Locks of Love" which is a non-profit organization that takes donated hair and makes wigs for kids that lost theirs to cancer or other reasons. After some research, I presented it to Abby and asked her what she thought of it...she lit up and said "Yes, I want to do that-I want to help another kid"

This is so much like her. She is so giving and so willing to help others. She loved the idea and it gave us such a neat way of teaching her about reaching out to people. So after a brief photo session WITH her long hair, I set up the appointment...
She was beside herself, so excited about the idea. I'm sure because she was now going to look like Lucy Pevency but also because some other little girl was going to receive her hair. The hair stylist looked at several pictures of Lucy and sat Abby down in the chair. Then it was gone. I was also getting my hair cut and when I had the opportunity I turned to look at "my Lucy" a different girl! She grew up right before my eyes. More beautiful than ever because as she sat there she shared with everyone why she was doing it..."I'm giving my hair to someone that doesnt have any"
I about cried. What an amazing sacrifice. Ten inches of beautiful flowing hair cut off so that another little girls prayers could be answered...

So here she is...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The mind of a 3 year old

I was putting little Isabelle to bed tonight and we were just talking and shooting the breeze about tea parties and veggie-tales(the usually random stuff), then I decided to pray for her. I love this time because we hold hands and I get a chance to verbally thank God for my sweet girl. I have to say that tonight was an extra special prayer(not that I normally rank them or anything)but it was a good prayer-beautiful and rich in my wording-but after I said"Amen" Isabelle's eyes lit up and looked up at me...I thought that she was going to say something like"your the best mommy in the whole world" or " I love you mommy thanks for the prayer"...well, she didnt say either of those...instead with her eyes all lit up she said...

"Mommy, doggies pee!"

Yep! That's usually what I think about after a prayer...but she was so excited about this fact and continued the conversation about it for the next 5 minutes!
I have to say, it was awesome! She had so many wonderful things to say about doggies peeing and how when we get a dog she will hold it's tail up so that she can teach it to go potty in our bathroom...on our potty! I can see it now...
I love that girl, what an imagination. And she was so believable, with her eyes all aglow, that I even started to believe that she could teach the doggie to pee on the potty...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Do not worry

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Luke 12:22-34

It is rather long but the idea is to not worry about life. Life has enough worries on it's own. But God cares so much for the birds that He feeds them, he cares for the lillies and helps them grow, he even cares so much for the grass in the field...and yet he tells us that we are more valuable then these. He tells us to not set our hearts on what we will eat or drink or wear, for he, our Father knows that we need these things. Instead, seek His kingdom, seek His face. And he will give us exactly what we need. In full and them some.

I went thru a time a couple of weeks ago where I was not seeking his face. I was far from Him. He was always with me, but I was not acknowledging Him. Now in a desperate cry out to him I realize that nothing on this earth satisfies me like him. Nothing. I was relying too much on others to fill that joy, but God wantes me to fill it with him. Often people fail us, all too often, and we need to realize that He is all we need...we need to seek his face.
Thank you God for bringing me to this lonely, quiet place where I realized that I needed you. You are my one and only...I will worry no more.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Isnt this amazing?