Thursday, May 29, 2008

God's blessings

In the midst of everything going on God has continued to show himself faithful to us. Why? I'm not sure, He is just like that. That is just my God being who He is. I certainly do not deserve a lick of grace but He keeps showing it over and over again.

David & I have been talking about going to one car for about 6 months now...with gas prices at $4 who can afford to drive 2 cars anyway? We experimented with the thought & he would drive me to & from work to see how we could survive...well, it wasnt easy but to save some money we decied that would be best. Our leases on our cars will be up this year & we wanted to get out of them early & just get one good car. Well...........I guess that wasnt in God's plan because a good friend of ours just decided to give us their car. Yep, I said GIVE...they are getting a new car themselves & have an old car they wanted to give to, they are GIVING it to us!!!!Amazing! So, now we will be taking our leased cars back to get a good car & we'll also have this FREE car to use if we need it! Again let me say... amazing!!!!!

I'm not sure why I am always amazed at what God does...I should just expect great things...but I forget sometimes.

Thank you Lord once again for taking care of us...

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Yep...we are relocating...again.
The economy has really taken it's toll on our household & David's job that we've decided to downsize so that we don't find ourselves in any trouble down the line. So, who knows what's in store for the Smith's? I do believe that God's hand is in all of this because David & I both feel a sense of peace about it. We are actually excited to see what lies ahead!
Also, we may have a potential buyer (which is CRAZY since the housing market is so slow). So we can only give glory to Him!!!!!
Why should I worry when my God in Heaven is watching out after me?
I'll update as things progress...