Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Superhero

Ever since my Spiderman movie my daughters have been "Spidey" crazy. They both used to be afraid of the man in red tights, now they think he is the coolest hero around. We even found them spiderman costumes so they can play the movie. Well, this morning Abby was coloring Spiderman and she said to me, "Mom, I love Spiderman, when you do your next movie with him can you give him this picture that I colored?"

It's funny because she thinks that Spidey and I are got me thinking(I know that's dangerous when I start thinking)but how awesome would it be for them to think that I am so tight with the only true hero-the one that took my sin, died on the cross for me so that I can be with Him in Heaven one day-so tight that I go to him daily to read and learn about the type of guy he was-the type of REAL hero he was on this earth & who He is kids need to know that my priorities are Christ centered...that I seek Him in good & bad...that I look to HIM to save the day!
Then after this thought Abby turned to me & said, " you know Mom, Jesus is my favorite superhero-he's the best of all of them!"

I guess she had the same thoughts as I did...

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