Tuesday, February 12, 2008

After a long couple of weeks, I'm ready to get back in the saddle. Both of my girls ended up having strep throat (at different times), and when they did they both felt horrible. They only laid around wanting someone to snuggle them. I was blessed to be the one who comforted them since I am able to stay home. I didnt get much done...well, actually nothing got done. But that is all part of the mommy job. You love, you comfort, you put things aside for your kids. Sometimes it is difficult to remember to not worry about what the house looks like but after you see the sweet little faces beaming up at you...you just don't care about anything else but them.

I love being a mom. I love snuggling in bed on Saturday mornings watching cartoons (well, they watch cartoons I just snuggle & get some extra sleep). :) I love hearing them call me "momma" still. I love seeing their eyes light up when I am away from them & we return together (even if I'm only gone for an hour). I love the deep conversations that we have. I love the crazy playtime of tickling, wrestling & pretending that we are characters from another world. I love dancing around the kitchen shaking our "toushes" .

At moments I wonder how I'm going to get through the day with all the chaos. Some days are just crazy. Lots of tears, lots of disagreements. Little girls argue over some crazy things. But thankfully my God somehow gets me through. Each day. And each day I thank Him for my life. The good & the bad times.

We are about to embark on a new chapter of our lives.
The girls will be going to school next year. And I will be going back into the "working" world.
I am excited yet in another breathe somewhat scared & sad. It has been almost 8 years since I left my job. I loved being at home with my girls. But I am excited to see what God brings my way. My resume' is already out there. I want God to lead on this one.
I had an opportunity at my old work place but it would have required me to start working now. Abby would have had to go "into" a school in the middle of her first grade year, and I would have had to find somewhere for Isabelle to go. I interviewed for the postition & I really wanted my old job back but I did not get it. In a way, I'm relieved. I was frantic. I did not want the girls lives to be turned upside down mid-year. Again, God took care of that. I know He has the perfect thing out there for me, in His time.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow! That is a big change! I'll be praying that God leads you to the perfect job for you and your family. :-)