Christmas was so fun. We enjoyed the semi-warm, sunny weather. I made my very first turkey dinner(with my mother-in-laws assistance)(and by the way, it came out great!)We had our dear friends Dan & Jen, Brian & Leslie, Kevin & Missy over for a spontaneous get together that lasted all night until wee hours of the morning(4am!!!). They taught me how to play Idiot Poker(because I'm too much of an idiot to learn the REAL Poker I guess-hee hee) We sang worship songs while Jen & Dave played guitar, we talked about our upcoming Hawaii trip(okay maybe not upcoming, but next Christmas) Yippee!!! We spent wonderful time with both our families, eating & laughing uncontrollably. We told the kids the christmas story & acted out the events to remind them the true meaning of christmas(we do this every chrismas morning). And we spent time just chilling out from our last few months of craziness...beyond the whirlwind it has been & the trying times, God has continued to reveal himself to us...thru an answered prayer, a unexpected phone call, an unexpected guest at christmas time, honesty spoken & also thru the words of my child.
Thank you Father for the love of friends & family, thank you for laughter in the midst of pain, thank you for your undeniable love, guidance, and patience with me...I know that I am not as faithful to you as I should be but I can't imagine my life without you...I love living life for you...remind me daily to do this more & that I can continue to see your face thru everyday life, your creation that surrounds me & thru those that I encounter daily...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Velvet Elvis
I just finished a book that my pastor had recommended me reading for over a year now...The book is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
At first I was like "what could this book really be about-he is just rambling on & on..."
Then he got to the point, the big point. Actually "points".
We as Christians are so up on becoming a christian then living the good, easy way, God actually said it would not be easy...many of us struggle daily with everyday, everything and don't really admit anyone, especially our brothers & sisters in Christ. Well, I'm sick of the game! Yes, that's right, sick of it. Let's get real. Let's get personal, let's get down right dirty and clean up our junk!
Over the years, I have played the role of SUPERMOM...well, I'm not. And I'm tired of this role. In Bell's book he states,"I meet so many people who have superwhater rattling around in their head. They have this person convinced they are supposed to be, and their superwhatever is killing them. They have this image they picked up over the years of how they are supposed to look and act and work and play and talk, and it's like a voice that never stops shouting in their ear.
And the only way to not be killed by it is to shoot first.
Yes, that is what I meant to write.
You have to kill your superwhater."
So, I shot. SUPERMOM is gone. I can't do it all, I can't BE it all...and I'm okay with that. Sometimes I need help...and I'm gonna start asking for it. My mother in law(who is now living with us)keeps saying things like "why don't you put up more decorations on the house...around the house, on the deck..." And I am simply not even fazed by it...normally I would have hurried to content her, hurried to make all perfect, hurried to please...nope, not any more. SUPERMOM is dead. I don't have time to do more decorating...that's not what this season is about anyway. I am doing just fine with what I AM doing. And that is loving my kids, my husband, my family, my friends, reaching out to my neighbors, being a child of God, homeschooling my daughter...the list goes all of the other "stuff" that I THINK is important, really is not. I can't do it all. And I am finally at peace with this "new idea".
SUPERMOM has left the building.
At first I was like "what could this book really be about-he is just rambling on & on..."
Then he got to the point, the big point. Actually "points".
We as Christians are so up on becoming a christian then living the good, easy way, God actually said it would not be easy...many of us struggle daily with everyday, everything and don't really admit anyone, especially our brothers & sisters in Christ. Well, I'm sick of the game! Yes, that's right, sick of it. Let's get real. Let's get personal, let's get down right dirty and clean up our junk!
Over the years, I have played the role of SUPERMOM...well, I'm not. And I'm tired of this role. In Bell's book he states,"I meet so many people who have superwhater rattling around in their head. They have this person convinced they are supposed to be, and their superwhatever is killing them. They have this image they picked up over the years of how they are supposed to look and act and work and play and talk, and it's like a voice that never stops shouting in their ear.
And the only way to not be killed by it is to shoot first.
Yes, that is what I meant to write.
You have to kill your superwhater."
So, I shot. SUPERMOM is gone. I can't do it all, I can't BE it all...and I'm okay with that. Sometimes I need help...and I'm gonna start asking for it. My mother in law(who is now living with us)keeps saying things like "why don't you put up more decorations on the house...around the house, on the deck..." And I am simply not even fazed by it...normally I would have hurried to content her, hurried to make all perfect, hurried to please...nope, not any more. SUPERMOM is dead. I don't have time to do more decorating...that's not what this season is about anyway. I am doing just fine with what I AM doing. And that is loving my kids, my husband, my family, my friends, reaching out to my neighbors, being a child of God, homeschooling my daughter...the list goes all of the other "stuff" that I THINK is important, really is not. I can't do it all. And I am finally at peace with this "new idea".
SUPERMOM has left the building.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Photo Time!!!

Every year we try to get a christmas picture of our family so that I can send them in our christmas cards...for some reason this year was more difficult than in the was quite entertaining to watch Isabelle & Abby as we "set up" the photo. Isabelle would suddenly get mad & make this hilarious angry face & Abby would suddenly break out into giggles galore!!!! Then she'd fall to the ground(messing up her hair & the pose)...after some bribing we finally got them to sit still for 2 seconds to take the picture...the event reminds me of several movies that show these families pretending to be happy just long enough for the was funny actually living the moment & forcing the girls to look happy...hee hee...well, we got them giggling & we really were happy in the end...but wow! I look forward to the many years of christmas pictures with my family(imagine the teenage years-"MOM, this is soooo stupid"-"Do I have to do this?")
Yep, I'm gonna make them then too...and you WILL LIKE IT!!!Hee hee....
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Holiday Fun

After we settled into our house a bit we decided it was time to find a Christmas tree. We ventured to a new tree farm(new to us, at least)and found the perfect tree. It was a great, family owned business in Peninsula that gave you a sled as you searched for your tree. We had more fun & spent more time sledding then looking for a tree! After about an hour of sledding we finally decided that a pre-cut tree was just fine(we were too cold to keep looking). Then we got cozy by the outdoor fireplace at the farm! We has a blast & will return next year for sure!
Then last night we went to see David's uncle(who lives in Cleveland)he puts on a huge display of lights on his home where people come thru to see it. The girls were in awe at all of the lights & christmas put us all in the holiday spirit! With everything going on with the move we have all been a bit tired & busy to stop and think about christmas...we are ready now! This year I really want it to be more about Jesus' birth more than anything else(my daughter keeps reminding me"It's not about how the house looks mom-it's about Jesus!"...and she is sooooo right)So I decided to listen to my 6 year old & slow down the season, and think more about it's meaning instead of the stuff that clutters it...
Even after saying all of that, we still had fun tonight decorating our first Gingerbread house....what a blast! And the girls did great! It came out beautiful!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Crazy, crazy Craz-EEEE
We finally got our internet set up in our new house...lots of stuff happening over at the Smith household...not much time to post....more unpacking to do...trees to put up, decorating to do & life to more later...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
An Early Christmas Present
Keys to our new house!!!!!
That's all I have to say!!!!!
Well, okay, I never was a girl with few words, but we are so excited to see the final walk-thru of our house(we havent seen it in over 2 weeks)...and it is finally done!!!!
We have been blessed to stay in a friends home for the past 5wks but we are soooooo ready for our own space. The girls are so excited to see all of their toys again(they are in PODS)and I just can't wait to cook in my own kitchen! And hang my clothes on a hanger(we have been living in boxes).
You know the little things make us happy...
So on Wednesday we are officially moving in....thank you Lord, once again for taking care of us thru all of this. Again, your timing is perfect!
That's all I have to say!!!!!
Well, okay, I never was a girl with few words, but we are so excited to see the final walk-thru of our house(we havent seen it in over 2 weeks)...and it is finally done!!!!
We have been blessed to stay in a friends home for the past 5wks but we are soooooo ready for our own space. The girls are so excited to see all of their toys again(they are in PODS)and I just can't wait to cook in my own kitchen! And hang my clothes on a hanger(we have been living in boxes).
You know the little things make us happy...
So on Wednesday we are officially moving in....thank you Lord, once again for taking care of us thru all of this. Again, your timing is perfect!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Girl Talks
I had the priviledge of joining my good friend, Joy to Bethel College last week for a couple of days. Her daughter & also my friend, Ashley is in her junior year there. Joy is an amazing speaker who I admire. She adds humor, honesty & encouragement when she speaks. God has truly gifted her. Bethel College asked Joy to come to speak at their chapel service on Wednesday morning & also invited her to speak to the young women later that evening for a girls only session.
What a great time we had with Ashley & Jessie (another great friend who came with us)we laughed until wee hours of the night on tuesday helping Joy prepare for her talk. Joy even talked me into doing a drama for her-impromptu! We had a wonderful time sharing about life & crazy questions that Joy was throwing out at us.
I went last week knowing that God has a plan for me. I have to speak. He wants me to share my story. Joy asked me to share 10 minutes with the girls only session about my story on purity & marriage. I did not want to. It has been a long time since I've spoken on this subject & I was not ready...but Joy so calmingly kept saying"your ready"
So I spoke. And boy was I nervous. But before I went on to speak, God reminded me of Moses & of Ester & many others in the Bible whom He gave the words to...Moses muttered & could not speak well, Ester could have been killed for what she said, but God made a way for them...and they spoke. And mighty things happened...So, I gave my voice to God & spoke. I shared my story of purity & forgiveness. I prayed that God would let just one girls life be touched(I would have been happy with just one)but He had another plan....God spoke thru Joy & thru me & these girls would not leave...they wanted more...and more....they were hungry for what God was saying. Many stayed way past our allowed time & we answered questions...hard questions...but again, God gave us the words...later, I recieved a couple of e-mails from girls that had more questions...praise God...He touched hearts that night. Girls are re-thinking what they are doing & desiring a holy life...
I know that God wants me to speak. I don't know how, or when or to what level but I will continue to follow His lead. Don't deny Him, like I almost did-Go...just go....and He will give you all that you need.
What a great time we had with Ashley & Jessie (another great friend who came with us)we laughed until wee hours of the night on tuesday helping Joy prepare for her talk. Joy even talked me into doing a drama for her-impromptu! We had a wonderful time sharing about life & crazy questions that Joy was throwing out at us.
I went last week knowing that God has a plan for me. I have to speak. He wants me to share my story. Joy asked me to share 10 minutes with the girls only session about my story on purity & marriage. I did not want to. It has been a long time since I've spoken on this subject & I was not ready...but Joy so calmingly kept saying"your ready"
So I spoke. And boy was I nervous. But before I went on to speak, God reminded me of Moses & of Ester & many others in the Bible whom He gave the words to...Moses muttered & could not speak well, Ester could have been killed for what she said, but God made a way for them...and they spoke. And mighty things happened...So, I gave my voice to God & spoke. I shared my story of purity & forgiveness. I prayed that God would let just one girls life be touched(I would have been happy with just one)but He had another plan....God spoke thru Joy & thru me & these girls would not leave...they wanted more...and more....they were hungry for what God was saying. Many stayed way past our allowed time & we answered questions...hard questions...but again, God gave us the words...later, I recieved a couple of e-mails from girls that had more questions...praise God...He touched hearts that night. Girls are re-thinking what they are doing & desiring a holy life...
I know that God wants me to speak. I don't know how, or when or to what level but I will continue to follow His lead. Don't deny Him, like I almost did-Go...just go....and He will give you all that you need.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Do Not Worry
I know that my Heavenly Father is taking care of me. But sometimes in the midst of trials & uncertainty I forget.
I'm typically a very calm person, I really don't worry a lot. I just believe that everything will be okay-I don't know if that is a completely good thing because there are some pretty dangerous things that can happen by being that way, but overall I like that quality in me. Now my husband on the other hand, complete worry wart. So, we balance eachother out. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is this...
"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body. what you will wear. Is not your life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow? They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry,saying"What shall we eat, or drink or wear?"For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
I love that! How to the point...Just don't worry! God will take care of us.
I have seen His hand a lot in the past few weeks. We, by a miracle, sold our home, for just about what we wanted, when all of the other homes for sale around us still have not sold. We were left homeless after we had to quickly move out within 3 weeks of the sale, not knowing where to go...God reminded a good friend that her in-laws have a home that we could "use" while they are in Florida for the winter. (another amazing thing is that it is in the city where we are building-how perfect)They willingly let us move in without hesitation(and we barely even know them). David's parents house sold the same week that ours sold, which was a huge burden thinking that we had to sell two homes in this slow real estate market...but God made it all happen!
I knew that he would, but I have to say, I was getting a little impatient. I wanted it to all happen sooner, but he knew that it could had to happen in HIS Time. Not mine. Not David's. Not according to OUR plans. But His....Thank you God, for YOUR plan on our lives...thank you for your timing. Thank you for always taking care of us.
I'm typically a very calm person, I really don't worry a lot. I just believe that everything will be okay-I don't know if that is a completely good thing because there are some pretty dangerous things that can happen by being that way, but overall I like that quality in me. Now my husband on the other hand, complete worry wart. So, we balance eachother out. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is this...
"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body. what you will wear. Is not your life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
And why worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow? They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry,saying"What shall we eat, or drink or wear?"For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
I love that! How to the point...Just don't worry! God will take care of us.
I have seen His hand a lot in the past few weeks. We, by a miracle, sold our home, for just about what we wanted, when all of the other homes for sale around us still have not sold. We were left homeless after we had to quickly move out within 3 weeks of the sale, not knowing where to go...God reminded a good friend that her in-laws have a home that we could "use" while they are in Florida for the winter. (another amazing thing is that it is in the city where we are building-how perfect)They willingly let us move in without hesitation(and we barely even know them). David's parents house sold the same week that ours sold, which was a huge burden thinking that we had to sell two homes in this slow real estate market...but God made it all happen!
I knew that he would, but I have to say, I was getting a little impatient. I wanted it to all happen sooner, but he knew that it could had to happen in HIS Time. Not mine. Not David's. Not according to OUR plans. But His....Thank you God, for YOUR plan on our lives...thank you for your timing. Thank you for always taking care of us.
Friday, October 06, 2006
"My life is going to slow, really"
It's funny, I really thought this would happen. I really thought life would get "less busy". I made a pact with myself I said" Self, stop busying your life" and I guess I didnt listen. We have been sooooo crazy busy-I can't even stand it. Between selling our house, packing our house, selling David's parents house, packing their house, homeschooling Abby, entertaining & loving Isabelle, being a wife, a housekeeper, chef, friend, daughter, writer and singer...I havent had much time to breath...ahhhhhh....there it is, I breathed.
It was the worst possible time for it, but we decided to go away(this is our way of running from our crazy lives)just get away...we hoped in the car and headed to Sandusky for a couple of I said, worst time for it since we are closing in on our house, packing our house, homeschooling Abby(oh sorry I won't give you the list again-hee hee)but we just knew that we needed it.
I am so glad that we did get away. My family needed some time out, away from the craziness. We ended up at an indoor waterpark called Kalahari! If you havent been there yet, take some time to enjoy this place. It is perfect for the family, the young couple with or without kids, older was just plain fun!!!! We all had a blast riding the waterslides & soaking in the water. Abby and I loved the thrill of the zipcoater(wheew what a rush)....
So we got away...for 2 nights...and yes, I came home to a messy, cluttered, full of boxes & piles of laundry home...but who really cares? I wouldnt trade that time with my family for the world.
It was the worst possible time for it, but we decided to go away(this is our way of running from our crazy lives)just get away...we hoped in the car and headed to Sandusky for a couple of I said, worst time for it since we are closing in on our house, packing our house, homeschooling Abby(oh sorry I won't give you the list again-hee hee)but we just knew that we needed it.
I am so glad that we did get away. My family needed some time out, away from the craziness. We ended up at an indoor waterpark called Kalahari! If you havent been there yet, take some time to enjoy this place. It is perfect for the family, the young couple with or without kids, older was just plain fun!!!! We all had a blast riding the waterslides & soaking in the water. Abby and I loved the thrill of the zipcoater(wheew what a rush)....
So we got away...for 2 nights...and yes, I came home to a messy, cluttered, full of boxes & piles of laundry home...but who really cares? I wouldnt trade that time with my family for the world.
Friday, September 29, 2006
"I hate mornings"

This is something my 3 1/2 year old daughter says to me almost every morning...not because she really "hates" mornings but because her favorite orange, tabby cat-Garfield says it on his cartoon...well, last weekend she got to meet this loveable, yet sometimes craby feline...Isabelle lit up when Garfield appeared at the Kids Fest at a bookstore that we went to...she couldnt stop smiling. Garfield hugged her & we even snapped a photo of them..., even though I am greeted by the phrase"I hate mornings" when I wake my little girl up, I still smile because it is so adorable the way she delivers the line & wrinkles up her face...gotta love it! In fact, I love mornings because of this precious time.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
School Update

We have already gotten thru 3 weeks of school! I can't believe it! I am so thrilled with the homeschool program that we chose. Props out to the Ohio Virtual Academy for making their school so full of interesting subjects & tools! Abigail is loving History and of course Language Arts(she gets to do a lot of imaginary play with this subject)! And with History she has already learned all of the continents! Each week we "travel" to each continent and learn about the different animals and places there! I'm actually learning a lot too! (I don't think I could have even told you what all of the continents were)
Little Isabelle is doing great too! She sometimes gets involved in the lessons of the day or she keeps busy by playing around us...
Abby and I have kept it a habit every morning to pray together before we begin school time...we hold hands and pray for a good day together & I pray for patience...the other day she prayed for us and said, "God, thank you for school and especially thank you for the best part of it which is my mom being my teacher."
I melted!
Thank you God, for my wonderful daughters that I get to love & teach everyday...bless them both!
Monday, September 11, 2006

My friend Marge & I planned a reunion of all the people in our old youth group...what a great time we had seeing everyone & chatting about life over the last 15 years!!! Wow-time goes sooooo quickly! Enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
"Breaking my heart"

Yesterday Abby & David were dancing together & Abby looked into David's eyes & said "Daddy you are breaking my heart. I love dancing with you"
That alone is adorable. I explained to her that she could say "Melting my heart" and she wondered what that meant...of course we explained that when you are in love or something really touchs your heart you say"melts my heart"...
So today, while David was playing "Here I am to Worship" on his guitar...(which is Isabelle's favorite song) she stopped singing and said"Daddy, you are cracking my heart"
...all we could do was smile...
what a sweet, adorable lady she is...and they are both soooo in love with their daddy...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Soaking up the last days of summer

I have not looked at summer like this before since I was in school...yes, when August rolls around you might as well say that summer is over. Now that I am planning on homeschooling Abby I feel this way all over again...but the difference is that we are planning lots and lots of field trips while the weather is still beautiful. No sitting in class for us when the world is a huge classroom! Abby officially starts school on, that came up on us fast. And we are ready! We have all of our supplies, her room is furnished with a computer & school books galore, along with a globe & other learning materials.
I never really understood why some parents decide to homeschool...I never thought taht I would be one of those parents...but let me tell you I am so excited!
We made the decision officially around the time we put our house on the market. Our new home should be done before the holidays and we didnt want to have to put Abby in a local school here in town then take her out again only a few months later...that would be hard. So homeschooling seemed perfect for our situation. The idea of homeschooling her was always in the back of my mind(and I stress BACK)but I have slowly warmed up to the idea especially thinking about our situation. It just seemed to make sense. So, we'll see what happens...we may love it, we may hate it...but we are going to give it a try...Isabelle is excited too, she just started learning how to work a computer mouse(so she says that she is "in school" too)Too cute!
So, right now we are soaking up summer...swimming, riding bikes, swinging at the park, picnics & just being together!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Busy time
It has been soooo crazy around here...I havent had much down time to actually write anything worthwile. Or any thing at all for that matter. I've been busy showing our house & cleaning & showing our house & cleaning...etc...the pattern goes on & on. But I am so excited to see things come together with our new house! Even though it has been a rough path getting to this point I know that God has led us right where we are. We got a chance to meet our new neighbors already...all of them! There is a young family across the street from us with 3 boys, an older couple, a single guy, and another family with kids 6-13years awesome! We have already connected with each of them in some way & I'm soooo excited to see where the relationships will go....Thank you God for placing us right where YOU wanted us...
Onto another subject-I got an e-mail from one of my casting directors from SPM3...he wants me to call him to chat about upcoming projects....! Hmmmmm......
Onto another subject-I got an e-mail from one of my casting directors from SPM3...he wants me to call him to chat about upcoming projects....! Hmmmmm......
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
what our life motto as Christians should be...
Live By Faith
To be known by Love,
and to be a voice of Hope...
To be known by Love,
and to be a voice of Hope...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Just Go!
I love what my pastor said last night at church..."if the apostle Paul were with us right now and we asked him how we need to reach people for Christ he would probably say 'just go'"
It doesnt matter how you win people's hearts over to Christ it's just that you do it! If your way is by sharing the gospel with words, or by actions or by love in how you live your life then do it! Just go! Don't worry about the how...just go!
I'm so excited about this in my life...I know that I need to "go" more often. I need to share Christ more often & love more often & reach out more often...I don't need some HUGE Life changing drop everything event to get me there...I need to "go" now! I need to love my neighbor NOW...I need to reach out and hug NOW....I need to GO now....I keep thinking about our new neighborhood and how it will be fun to start over with a new batch of people to reach out to...but it's funny because I've almost forgot about the ones around me-right NOW...right here...Lord, remind me of the lost right here in my me creative ways to love & to share you with them...I want to "Go" now for you...starting today...
It doesnt matter how you win people's hearts over to Christ it's just that you do it! If your way is by sharing the gospel with words, or by actions or by love in how you live your life then do it! Just go! Don't worry about the how...just go!
I'm so excited about this in my life...I know that I need to "go" more often. I need to share Christ more often & love more often & reach out more often...I don't need some HUGE Life changing drop everything event to get me there...I need to "go" now! I need to love my neighbor NOW...I need to reach out and hug NOW....I need to GO now....I keep thinking about our new neighborhood and how it will be fun to start over with a new batch of people to reach out to...but it's funny because I've almost forgot about the ones around me-right NOW...right here...Lord, remind me of the lost right here in my me creative ways to love & to share you with them...I want to "Go" now for you...starting today...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
My story
It's amazing how God uses your life...your faults, your mistakes, your past sins to bless someone else when you FULLy give your life over to him.
I never imagined in a millioin gazillion years that I would be admitting my past to anyone...especially to someone that I didnt really know very well.
A new friend of mine at our church who is a new believer told me that she was "living in sin". She laughed but I think she really felt convicted for the types of things that were in her life. She asked my opinion.(Which amounts to not much of anything in my eyes)but I gave her my opinion. I told her that I would love to meet with her sometime to chat about my story and fill her in on how God changed my life.
So, today we met before I had band rehearsal and we walked around and around the church building just talking. She was almost speechless. Her eyes welled with tears. She was moved by MY story... Yes, I wish I had made better choices in my past but I am so thankful that God is able to use me regardless of my faults and sin. I think I see why it is important to open up to those around us. To just let go of our never know who you will bless or who you will be blessed by...thank you Lord for forgiving my sins and for giving me the strength that I needed to speak your truths...
I never imagined in a millioin gazillion years that I would be admitting my past to anyone...especially to someone that I didnt really know very well.
A new friend of mine at our church who is a new believer told me that she was "living in sin". She laughed but I think she really felt convicted for the types of things that were in her life. She asked my opinion.(Which amounts to not much of anything in my eyes)but I gave her my opinion. I told her that I would love to meet with her sometime to chat about my story and fill her in on how God changed my life.
So, today we met before I had band rehearsal and we walked around and around the church building just talking. She was almost speechless. Her eyes welled with tears. She was moved by MY story... Yes, I wish I had made better choices in my past but I am so thankful that God is able to use me regardless of my faults and sin. I think I see why it is important to open up to those around us. To just let go of our never know who you will bless or who you will be blessed by...thank you Lord for forgiving my sins and for giving me the strength that I needed to speak your truths...
Monday, July 17, 2006
Summer, summer, summer Time(sing like Will Smith when you read this)
I love summer! I love the heat! I love the sun(yah, no rain today)!The girls and I have been spending the days of summer just resting at the pool(or jacuzzi-that is)and what fun we have been having...sometimes I just watch them play & laugh at their cute little sun bathed bodies or sometimes I just lay by the pool and read a book...ahhhh the life...
Last night after church we took them to their first drive-in movie. They couldnt believe the movie screen was Outside...Isabelle kept saying in this adorable voice"The movie is OUTSIDE? What? That is sooooo silly!"
We had such a blast! Summer, summer la la la la la la....summertime(I really don't know any other words)
So, go enjoy the hot days of summer-and be sure to sing that song everywhere you go....
Last night after church we took them to their first drive-in movie. They couldnt believe the movie screen was Outside...Isabelle kept saying in this adorable voice"The movie is OUTSIDE? What? That is sooooo silly!"
We had such a blast! Summer, summer la la la la la la....summertime(I really don't know any other words)
So, go enjoy the hot days of summer-and be sure to sing that song everywhere you go....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Legend of the Tooth Fairy

For several weeks now Abigail has had a loose tooth...actually she has a couple that are loose. We have been explaining to her about how she will one day grow "big girl teeth" and she thinks that is sooooo cool! Well, one tooth, which seemed like overnight, decided it would get really really wiggly...and the next morning it came out...she jumped for joy! She also knew that this meant she would get some sum of money provided by the tooth fairy.
I found a cute story about the tooth fairy from the internet and so that night we read it together to find out how this tooth fairy started her business taking little children's teeth in the middle of the night...after reading the story Abby says to David"Dad, how much does the tooth fairy leave for kids anyway?"
He told her that back when he was her age it was only like one dollar...but he was certain that since economy is up that she would leave more these days...Abby thought for a moment..."hmmm..." she said looking at her ceiling and playing with her David began to leave she said" Dad, I know you & mommy are the tooth fairies...I just like to pretend with you"
She paused again in deep thought.
"So how much are you gonna give me?" she questioned.
David smiled & replied" I don't know-I'll have to ask the other tooth fairy"
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Important family member has major surgery!!!!

It was a sad day at our house the day one of our own had to have major surgery...screams rang thourghout the house before the incident heart stopped thinking the worst was happening...tears flowed like big rain drops and emotions all over the place...our beloved Dottie has lost her tail!
For those of you that don't know Dottie personally...she has been part of our family for 3 1/2 years. She is Isabelle's favorite stuffed animal, but she is so much more than that, she is a blankie, a snuggler, a best friend. She never leaves Isa's side.
When it happened Isabelle screamed soooo loud that I thought SHE had been hurt...nope, she had just accidentally pulled off Dottie's tail(she rubs Dottie's tail and over time is has been slowly coming off)
I had to perform major surgery and Quick!!!!
After playing Doctor I was told that I was the best mom ever!!!(Smile-motherhood is so great-you can be so many things for your child-I guess "Surgeon" is one of them)
And by the way, Dottie is doing great...she's going to be just fine!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
My Superhero
Ever since my Spiderman movie my daughters have been "Spidey" crazy. They both used to be afraid of the man in red tights, now they think he is the coolest hero around. We even found them spiderman costumes so they can play the movie. Well, this morning Abby was coloring Spiderman and she said to me, "Mom, I love Spiderman, when you do your next movie with him can you give him this picture that I colored?"
It's funny because she thinks that Spidey and I are got me thinking(I know that's dangerous when I start thinking)but how awesome would it be for them to think that I am so tight with the only true hero-the one that took my sin, died on the cross for me so that I can be with Him in Heaven one day-so tight that I go to him daily to read and learn about the type of guy he was-the type of REAL hero he was on this earth & who He is kids need to know that my priorities are Christ centered...that I seek Him in good & bad...that I look to HIM to save the day!
Then after this thought Abby turned to me & said, " you know Mom, Jesus is my favorite superhero-he's the best of all of them!"
I guess she had the same thoughts as I did...
It's funny because she thinks that Spidey and I are got me thinking(I know that's dangerous when I start thinking)but how awesome would it be for them to think that I am so tight with the only true hero-the one that took my sin, died on the cross for me so that I can be with Him in Heaven one day-so tight that I go to him daily to read and learn about the type of guy he was-the type of REAL hero he was on this earth & who He is kids need to know that my priorities are Christ centered...that I seek Him in good & bad...that I look to HIM to save the day!
Then after this thought Abby turned to me & said, " you know Mom, Jesus is my favorite superhero-he's the best of all of them!"
I guess she had the same thoughts as I did...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
School Time update

Yes...for all of you wondering...yes...Abby is starting school this fall. She is enlisted in the Ohio Virtual Academy and will start at the end of August. The awesome thing is that I just got a call from one of the teachers there & she was so excited to inform me that Abby placed high for her age in the tests that she has been taking...I always knew that she was very smart for her age-but it was really nice that someone outside of our circle agreed. The teacher asked if I would feel comfortable moving Abby to a 1st grade reading & math level...!!!!!!!!
I was speechless. We have always read to Abby from birth-so when all those commercials say "READ to your kids" I guess it really pays off.
Congrats Abby on a job well done!!!!I'm so proud of you! You are going to do great in school!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Transforming our Character
David & I have been attending [o.r] community for the last year or so. It is a church filled with honesty and raw preaching. I love this about our church. We started to get involved pretty fast after we uncovered what the church is about & what their vision is for the future church. This past month we have been reading in the book of Acts. Following the early churches perspective on what "church" looks like. Our pastor asked some hard questions to us a couple sundays ago...
" Are you swimming in a raging sea of Hope & Dreams in your life?"
or "Are you treading in fear"
He used dominos as a visual to represent the choices that we have made that has led us to where we are right now.
"Are my choices changing for God?"
or "Am I in the same place that I was for God-last year"
"Will the cycle ever change for me?"
Each decision we make is based on our character.
Do we have the character traits of God?
Then our paster peeled open a banana...he said" you never wonder what is inside of a banana...because God makes everything with integrity"
What about when you slice open a Christian(just an analogy-otherwise it would be gross)? What is inside? What is their Character?
In the days of the early church they didnt have cool websites, or smart marketing tools to get the word out about their church-the news just spread because God's message of salvation was being heard & people were gettting saved & lives were transformed for Christ!
How simple...yet why havent we (as the church)caught on to this idea?
[o.r] is feeling God's hand moving us to go....well, backward. Pastor Ted is encouraging us to have a Character transformation. With the guide of our church & the community of believers that fill it we are going to look under the hoods of our lives to get inside of our character & weed out the dark spots. Then we are being sent out into the mission field. Now that doesnt mean that we will not spread the news of Christ along the way, but we do need to see where our hearts are & where we are going FOR HIM! I am so excited for this. I know there are places in my life that need weeding out. Places I probably dont even want to visit or expose...but in doing so God will use me & mold me & make me transform for Him.
Imagine...Christ in You.
To have a mind like Christ.
That if we remain in Him, He will remain in us.
Like our pastor said" The shape of our character is the shape of our future"
If you want to hear more about what's happening at [o.r] community check out their website
" Are you swimming in a raging sea of Hope & Dreams in your life?"
or "Are you treading in fear"
He used dominos as a visual to represent the choices that we have made that has led us to where we are right now.
"Are my choices changing for God?"
or "Am I in the same place that I was for God-last year"
"Will the cycle ever change for me?"
Each decision we make is based on our character.
Do we have the character traits of God?
Then our paster peeled open a banana...he said" you never wonder what is inside of a banana...because God makes everything with integrity"
What about when you slice open a Christian(just an analogy-otherwise it would be gross)? What is inside? What is their Character?
In the days of the early church they didnt have cool websites, or smart marketing tools to get the word out about their church-the news just spread because God's message of salvation was being heard & people were gettting saved & lives were transformed for Christ!
How simple...yet why havent we (as the church)caught on to this idea?
[o.r] is feeling God's hand moving us to go....well, backward. Pastor Ted is encouraging us to have a Character transformation. With the guide of our church & the community of believers that fill it we are going to look under the hoods of our lives to get inside of our character & weed out the dark spots. Then we are being sent out into the mission field. Now that doesnt mean that we will not spread the news of Christ along the way, but we do need to see where our hearts are & where we are going FOR HIM! I am so excited for this. I know there are places in my life that need weeding out. Places I probably dont even want to visit or expose...but in doing so God will use me & mold me & make me transform for Him.
Imagine...Christ in You.
To have a mind like Christ.
That if we remain in Him, He will remain in us.
Like our pastor said" The shape of our character is the shape of our future"
If you want to hear more about what's happening at [o.r] community check out their website
Friday, June 02, 2006
lost without my computer
What did we do back in the day when there where no computers? We were probably less stressed and read more-right? Well when we arrived back home from CA we were welcomed with a big computer mess...I am no computer genius but all I know is that we have to wait for this part to come to fix the mean time I'm working off of the lap top(that doesnt have any of my files on it-bummer)so, I will be posting more later when things clear up...maybe I'll go catch up on some reading...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sunny California
We are leaving this saturday to visit David's sister in sunny California! Neither of us have been there before and I have always wanted to go! So finally we planned a two week trip. David's sister pretty much has our whole trip planned for us...San Francisco, Pier 39, the big tall trees(Muirwoods)whale watching...I'm so excited to just spend 2wks straight with my family. Since Spiderman I havent seen David much(he's been so busy at work trying to set up being gone for 2 wks.)So we are ready for some good old family time! I'm also excited to just be away. We've had a lot going on around here lately and it will be nice to just get away from everything and everybody. Ahhhh...time to take in some sun!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Reach Hollywood

I'm finally rested up and ready to post my experiences on set of Spiderman 3.
First let me start off with a story about 3 years ago at a youth event. There was this speaker who wanted us to sit and think about God and pray that God would just speak to us about what he wants us to do with our lives & our dreams. I thought and prayed...and nothing. My head is usually so full that it takes alot for me to sit and listen to God. It was just about time and the speaker was ready to continue speaking and I felt like God said"Reach Hollywood".
Okay, random. Where did that come from? What does that have to do with anything? I set the thought aside, thinking it was just my crazy dreams again...
Then the thought would not leave me alone. "Reach Hollywood"...reach Hollywood?
Over the next 3 years since that event I never really knew what that meant. How would I ever make an impact on Hollywood? I don't even live anywhere close to Hollywood...and an acting career now in my life is out of the question...
Then several weeks ago my mom called me and told me about the Spiderman 3 casting call in Downtown Cleveland. At first I wasnt going to go. I was too busy. But the idea of it intriqued me. I really wanted to go! I loved this stuff! It would be so great to be able to be a part of something like that! So off we went. My whole family. We stood in line for about 2 hours. With my photos in hand I truly never thought that out of all of these 4, 000 people that I would get the opportunity to be in a major motion picture.
As the casting directors room got nearer and nearer I prayed..."Lord, you know my heart, you know my dreams, if this is of you please let me get a part in this movie."
We left and the week that I was expecting a call from, the call never came. Then finally 2 days before shooting an unknown number came in on my phone. It was them, I just knew it!
"Angie, hi this is Amanda, one of the casting directors for Spiderman 3-are you still available to work on the film starting this saturday?"
I kept my composure while on the phone then after I hung up, I was jumping up and down out of excitement! I really got in! I couldnt believe it!
The next week was an absolute whirlwind! But let me just say that God provided.
The first day of shooting I had to get up at 4:30am to be downtown by 6am! I had to wear a business suit. I get to be a business woman on the streets of Manhattan. What fun! When I arrived at the road block it was such fun to say, "I'm with the cast" and they gave me a special place to park. My Honda Civic is also in the movie!
I had to wait in line at wardrobe where they gave me a coat to accompany my suit. They asked us to take our seats. I found a seat next to a lady and listened as the directors gave us our instructions. From there we were sent out on the streets of downtown Cleveland (East 9th & Euclid)where the 2nd director(we called him Purple)placed us on set. I was partnered with a lady named Nicky. We quickly got to know one another since we stood there for almost 3 hours before we even starting filming. I guess that's the business..."Hurry up and wait"!
Nicky was born in Malaysia and is 37. She is so beautiful, such amazing features. She models on the side and wanted to do this for fun. We instantly became friends. We were so excited when "Purple" yelled "Action" and we got to walk down the set and continue our conversation. I knew God placed her in my path. The rest of the day no matter what happened Purple kept putting Nicky and I together on set. Or very close to one another. He usually changes your postion but God kept Nicky and I together. We had such a great time. We laughed almost all day!
Before I left that morning I took some time to sit and talk with God. I prayed that somehow God would use me. I wasnt sure how, but I wanted him to help me "reach Hollywood". Whatever that meant, I would find out later, but I wanted him to know that I didnt forget what he whispered in my ear 3 years ago...
The week went on and I continued hanging out with Nicky. We spent many hours talking and laughing. We had alot of down time as the crew re-set different scenes. I also met a guy named Josh. He is from Florida State and is a film student there. The three of us hit it off and we talked a lot. A couple days into filming Josh randomly comes up to me and says"What church do you go to?"
I never told him that I went to church, but he said that he just knew that I was saved! He then shared with me some things that happened to him in the past with this church and how it had turned him off from God. We talked for a long time about forgiveness and how salvation is a gift...
Then I met this girl named Melissa. She was one of those that would do anything to get into acting. We got to know one another...
One morning I came in chewing gum-one of the casting directors (who is a very large man)saw me and said"Do you have gum?"
I quickly spit it out and said"not anymore"(I thought I was in trouble)
He laughed and said"No, do you have some, because I would like a piece?"
Embarrassed, I shared my gum and he said"your Angie Smith-right"
I said yes, surprised that he knew my name and we laughed about what had happened.
Later he and I got a chance to talk and I shared with him that I loved writing and that I had some ideas for some screenplays. He gave me some advise and said that he had just finished his first screenplay and that he had a producer looking at it right now. I told him my ambitions and that I loved acting and have always wanted to pursue it. Then I shared with him about my book and purity and reaching young women.
Later on in the day he told me that he would like to use me in his upcoming projects. He has something coming up for the History channel and something else for HBO...
WOW! He had all of my information already and he gave me his e-mail address so that I can send him an updated head shot!
Now I don't know if this will even go anywhere but how cool that I got my foot in the door...and I wasnt even trying!
...the list goes on with how many interesting people I met on set...I had so many opportunities to love and reach out.
"Reach Hollywood"? Yeah. In a way.That was the next generation of until I get there myself and do whatever God wants me to do-I'm reaching Hollywood right here in Cleveland Ohio!
I had an amazing experience watching this production come to life!! I saw cars being chased and crashed, Spiderman fighting off a villian & swinging from his web(well cable at least)and most of all I got to hear and be a part of the director saying "ACtion & Cut & that's a rap"
What a week! Thank you Lord for giving me this chance to play out my dream...I'll go where you lead...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Spidey and me

This is pretty much all I have in me right now to post...but here is a little teaser...a photo of Spidey and me...yes, that's right...the real Spiderman! He is really nice AND he helps people...can't get any better than that!
This picture of me is pretty bad-I know-but I was working off of like 4 hours of sleep everynight during filming and I had bronchitus(sp)!!!!But was it worth it? OHHHHHH YESSSSS!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
too pooped to post
well after a long week of shooting the movie I am too tired to update right now...but I will say that I have had an amazing week...God sure knows how to surprise and provide! I'll post all about it are my two favorite words that I heard on set..."Action" and "Cut"...I never thought I'd have the opportunity to hear those words...thank you God for this chance to "reach Hollywood"!!!!More to come...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What do spiderman and I have in common?

What do Spiderman and I have in common?
We are both in the upcoming Spiderman 3 movie!!!!!!!
That's right folks, a couple of weeks ago I went to a casting call in downtown Cleveland and auditioned for an extra role for the new movie that will be in theaters in 2007! When I went for the casting call I truly never thought that out of over 3,000 + people that I would be selected...not only that, but I was of the few that got chosen to work all week long! Around 3pm this afternoon I got a phone call from a number I didnt recognize and when the casting director said who she was, I couldnt contain myself! I acted all cool and collective on the phone but as soon as I hung up I was jumping up and down! I guess they are starting to transform Cleveland to look like downtown Manhattan and we are filming bright and early Saturday morning(6am!)
I will be getting another phone call tomorrow night for all of the details(where to go & what I'll be doing)all I know so far is that I have to come in business attire and bring along 2 other business fun!
I've always wanted to be a part of something movie like-call me crazy but to me it is so fun to watch and be a part of a production-but Spiderman? Wow, I would have been happy to just watch them film it, but now I'm actually going to make it on the big screen...! Maybe Spidey will even save me from a tall burning building!
I'll post more later about my adventures in film...maybe I can even take a few photos to share...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
What have you done for me lately?
When we moved from Kent to Medina I was so excited to see where God was going to place us. I knew where our house would be but I'm talking about where as in "people placement". I love the idea of meeting new people and shining God's light in new ways...over the two years that we've been here we have met and tried our best to embrace people the way that God would want us to. The problem was that they werent real responsive. We invited them to baseball games, ladies get-togethers and stuff like that but many times we were turned down. "God,(I prayed) I thought this was the place you have put me...why is this reaching stuff not working?"
After being frusturated and down about not connecting the way that we had hoped I realized that Jesus had the same problem. Not everyone followed him, not everyone believed, not everyone treated him kindly. But he never gave up. He just loved. He just listened.
We never were the "turn or burn" type christians that constantly harrassed people with their fate...but I do want people to know that we are different. I want them to wonder who we are and why we are the way that we are...DO THEY...? Do they see a difference? I don't know. I hope so. I pray so.
Then God reminded me that it is not always in the big stuff that people see Jesus. It is in the everyday life. The small & short conversations about nothing that they see our sparkle in our eyes, it's the way that we love within our's our life. So as the idea of moving and leaving Medina comes to light-I often ask"what have I done for you lately?"
So today as we were playing outside...I just loved. I just listened. My friend Emily had a great post about loving people and looking for opportunities to love...she & her husband Matt nailed it. The listened with God's heart and acted upon his what Emily said below...
::An Easter Visit::
We came home from vacation to a bare fridge and empty cupboards. Aunt Ally came to play with Addelyne so Matt and I headed out to the grocery store. We hate paying high prices for food, so we shop at Marc's and Aldi's. We avoid, Tops, Giant Eagle, and, God forbid, Buehler's at all costs!
After a 12 hour drive home from Hilton Head, we opted for Aldi's because it was closest. We quickly circled the store, filling up our cart with vegetables, fruit, meat, and several staple items. The checkout lines were long and so I had plenty of time to people watch. I quickly settled on the woman and her daughter in front of us. The woman looked weary, older than her age, and beaten down by life. Her daughter was inquisitive, friendly and boisterous. The woman had a handful of items in her cart and I saw her pull out a warn wallet and thumb through a few crumpled bills. She looked from the groceries to her wallet and I could see her mentally adding up the total in her head.
My heart broke.
She had $16 to spend and had to choose several things to put back from her meager selection. I looked at Matt pleadingly. We didn't know what to do because we didn't want to hurt her pride or offend her. But my heart wouldn't allow inaction. As she was leaving the store, I asked the cashier to ring the items she couldn't pay for--juice and several packs of lunch meat. My heart pounded as I approached her and handed her the groceries. How would she react?
She looked at me incredulously and said, "You bought these for me?" She was so appreciative. I nodded and smiled; words weren't necessary and, even if I could have found the right ones, they would have been overwhelmed by tears.
I bit my lip until we got outside, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Sobs overwhelmed me and I cried on and off the whole way home. Matt's eyes glistened too.
Please, don't read this story and think, "Oh, Matt and Emily are so great." We're not. The times I don't do anything, or worse--I don't even notice--greatly outnumber the moments when God prompts me to act.
I share this story to remind you of God's economy; the whole love your neighbor as yourself thing. We wouldn't need welfare, WIC, Head Start, and the host of other government and state programs if we followed His plan for caring for those who need help.
This passage kept flooding my mind and I'll leave you with its simple, beautiful truth.
Matthew 25:34-4034 Then the King will say to those on the right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'"37 "Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' 40 And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"
May God unexpectedly visit you this Easter!
After being frusturated and down about not connecting the way that we had hoped I realized that Jesus had the same problem. Not everyone followed him, not everyone believed, not everyone treated him kindly. But he never gave up. He just loved. He just listened.
We never were the "turn or burn" type christians that constantly harrassed people with their fate...but I do want people to know that we are different. I want them to wonder who we are and why we are the way that we are...DO THEY...? Do they see a difference? I don't know. I hope so. I pray so.
Then God reminded me that it is not always in the big stuff that people see Jesus. It is in the everyday life. The small & short conversations about nothing that they see our sparkle in our eyes, it's the way that we love within our's our life. So as the idea of moving and leaving Medina comes to light-I often ask"what have I done for you lately?"
So today as we were playing outside...I just loved. I just listened. My friend Emily had a great post about loving people and looking for opportunities to love...she & her husband Matt nailed it. The listened with God's heart and acted upon his what Emily said below...
::An Easter Visit::
We came home from vacation to a bare fridge and empty cupboards. Aunt Ally came to play with Addelyne so Matt and I headed out to the grocery store. We hate paying high prices for food, so we shop at Marc's and Aldi's. We avoid, Tops, Giant Eagle, and, God forbid, Buehler's at all costs!
After a 12 hour drive home from Hilton Head, we opted for Aldi's because it was closest. We quickly circled the store, filling up our cart with vegetables, fruit, meat, and several staple items. The checkout lines were long and so I had plenty of time to people watch. I quickly settled on the woman and her daughter in front of us. The woman looked weary, older than her age, and beaten down by life. Her daughter was inquisitive, friendly and boisterous. The woman had a handful of items in her cart and I saw her pull out a warn wallet and thumb through a few crumpled bills. She looked from the groceries to her wallet and I could see her mentally adding up the total in her head.
My heart broke.
She had $16 to spend and had to choose several things to put back from her meager selection. I looked at Matt pleadingly. We didn't know what to do because we didn't want to hurt her pride or offend her. But my heart wouldn't allow inaction. As she was leaving the store, I asked the cashier to ring the items she couldn't pay for--juice and several packs of lunch meat. My heart pounded as I approached her and handed her the groceries. How would she react?
She looked at me incredulously and said, "You bought these for me?" She was so appreciative. I nodded and smiled; words weren't necessary and, even if I could have found the right ones, they would have been overwhelmed by tears.
I bit my lip until we got outside, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Sobs overwhelmed me and I cried on and off the whole way home. Matt's eyes glistened too.
Please, don't read this story and think, "Oh, Matt and Emily are so great." We're not. The times I don't do anything, or worse--I don't even notice--greatly outnumber the moments when God prompts me to act.
I share this story to remind you of God's economy; the whole love your neighbor as yourself thing. We wouldn't need welfare, WIC, Head Start, and the host of other government and state programs if we followed His plan for caring for those who need help.
This passage kept flooding my mind and I'll leave you with its simple, beautiful truth.
Matthew 25:34-4034 Then the King will say to those on the right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'"37 "Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' 40 And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"
May God unexpectedly visit you this Easter!
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Organized Mess

I havent posted lately because I've been doing alot of out I should say. I've been the organizing queen over the last couple of weeks. Except the funny thing is that my house is a total mess! "How can I be so organized yet so messy?" You ask yourself...well, this goes in this bin, that goes in that bin, this gets thrown away, that gets to go on get the picture? So, if you were to stop at my house right now you'd go"oh my" because that is what I have been saying lately...oh my! An organized mess!
Well, at least it's organized-right?
On a different note, I just celebrated my 32nd birthday, 32! What happened to 16?
We went to dinner with my parents, my in-laws & David's sister Donna. We had the best time. I couldnt have asked for a better present to have both sets of parents there. (they never get together-it's not that they don't like eachother, they just feel strange around eachother)anyway, we laughed the whole night!
David's mom invited everyone to her house for dessert and EVERYONE came...even my was great to sit back and watch everyone interact. I had such a wonderful night!
Oh, and Emily, thanks for my tootsies have never felt soooo soft...I love our birthday tradition! This is an old picture of Isabelle painting her cute little toes...if you look close you'll see Davids toes painted too...hee hee...such a daddy's girl...
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I want my hair to look like Lucy Pevency!
So Abby says to me the other day,"Mom, I think I'd like to cut my hair to look like Lucy Pevency(on the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe)"
"Really" I sort of set the idea aside because I adore Abby's long hair. And also because everyday she wants to "pretend" that she is someone from some story or movie. So I thought that this was just one of those moments...well, she continued with the thought and asked me again.
"Would you really want to cut your hair?" I asked her.
"Oh yes!" she said with excitement.
I then remembered a friend of mine sharing with me how she had donated her hair to "Locks of Love" which is a non-profit organization that takes donated hair and makes wigs for kids that lost theirs to cancer or other reasons. After some research, I presented it to Abby and asked her what she thought of it...she lit up and said "Yes, I want to do that-I want to help another kid"
This is so much like her. She is so giving and so willing to help others. She loved the idea and it gave us such a neat way of teaching her about reaching out to people. So after a brief photo session WITH her long hair, I set up the appointment...
She was beside herself, so excited about the idea. I'm sure because she was now going to look like Lucy Pevency but also because some other little girl was going to receive her hair. The hair stylist looked at several pictures of Lucy and sat Abby down in the chair. Then it was gone. I was also getting my hair cut and when I had the opportunity I turned to look at "my Lucy" a different girl! She grew up right before my eyes. More beautiful than ever because as she sat there she shared with everyone why she was doing it..."I'm giving my hair to someone that doesnt have any"
I about cried. What an amazing sacrifice. Ten inches of beautiful flowing hair cut off so that another little girls prayers could be answered...
So here she is...
"Really" I sort of set the idea aside because I adore Abby's long hair. And also because everyday she wants to "pretend" that she is someone from some story or movie. So I thought that this was just one of those moments...well, she continued with the thought and asked me again.
"Would you really want to cut your hair?" I asked her.
"Oh yes!" she said with excitement.
I then remembered a friend of mine sharing with me how she had donated her hair to "Locks of Love" which is a non-profit organization that takes donated hair and makes wigs for kids that lost theirs to cancer or other reasons. After some research, I presented it to Abby and asked her what she thought of it...she lit up and said "Yes, I want to do that-I want to help another kid"
This is so much like her. She is so giving and so willing to help others. She loved the idea and it gave us such a neat way of teaching her about reaching out to people. So after a brief photo session WITH her long hair, I set up the appointment...
She was beside herself, so excited about the idea. I'm sure because she was now going to look like Lucy Pevency but also because some other little girl was going to receive her hair. The hair stylist looked at several pictures of Lucy and sat Abby down in the chair. Then it was gone. I was also getting my hair cut and when I had the opportunity I turned to look at "my Lucy" a different girl! She grew up right before my eyes. More beautiful than ever because as she sat there she shared with everyone why she was doing it..."I'm giving my hair to someone that doesnt have any"
I about cried. What an amazing sacrifice. Ten inches of beautiful flowing hair cut off so that another little girls prayers could be answered...
So here she is...

Saturday, March 18, 2006
The mind of a 3 year old

I was putting little Isabelle to bed tonight and we were just talking and shooting the breeze about tea parties and veggie-tales(the usually random stuff), then I decided to pray for her. I love this time because we hold hands and I get a chance to verbally thank God for my sweet girl. I have to say that tonight was an extra special prayer(not that I normally rank them or anything)but it was a good prayer-beautiful and rich in my wording-but after I said"Amen" Isabelle's eyes lit up and looked up at me...I thought that she was going to say something like"your the best mommy in the whole world" or " I love you mommy thanks for the prayer"...well, she didnt say either of those...instead with her eyes all lit up she said...
"Mommy, doggies pee!"
Yep! That's usually what I think about after a prayer...but she was so excited about this fact and continued the conversation about it for the next 5 minutes!
I have to say, it was awesome! She had so many wonderful things to say about doggies peeing and how when we get a dog she will hold it's tail up so that she can teach it to go potty in our bathroom...on our potty! I can see it now...
I love that girl, what an imagination. And she was so believable, with her eyes all aglow, that I even started to believe that she could teach the doggie to pee on the potty...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Do not worry
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Luke 12:22-34
It is rather long but the idea is to not worry about life. Life has enough worries on it's own. But God cares so much for the birds that He feeds them, he cares for the lillies and helps them grow, he even cares so much for the grass in the field...and yet he tells us that we are more valuable then these. He tells us to not set our hearts on what we will eat or drink or wear, for he, our Father knows that we need these things. Instead, seek His kingdom, seek His face. And he will give us exactly what we need. In full and them some.
I went thru a time a couple of weeks ago where I was not seeking his face. I was far from Him. He was always with me, but I was not acknowledging Him. Now in a desperate cry out to him I realize that nothing on this earth satisfies me like him. Nothing. I was relying too much on others to fill that joy, but God wantes me to fill it with him. Often people fail us, all too often, and we need to realize that He is all we need...we need to seek his face.
Thank you God for bringing me to this lonely, quiet place where I realized that I needed you. You are my one and only...I will worry no more.
It is rather long but the idea is to not worry about life. Life has enough worries on it's own. But God cares so much for the birds that He feeds them, he cares for the lillies and helps them grow, he even cares so much for the grass in the field...and yet he tells us that we are more valuable then these. He tells us to not set our hearts on what we will eat or drink or wear, for he, our Father knows that we need these things. Instead, seek His kingdom, seek His face. And he will give us exactly what we need. In full and them some.
I went thru a time a couple of weeks ago where I was not seeking his face. I was far from Him. He was always with me, but I was not acknowledging Him. Now in a desperate cry out to him I realize that nothing on this earth satisfies me like him. Nothing. I was relying too much on others to fill that joy, but God wantes me to fill it with him. Often people fail us, all too often, and we need to realize that He is all we need...we need to seek his face.
Thank you God for bringing me to this lonely, quiet place where I realized that I needed you. You are my one and only...I will worry no more.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Isabelle turns 3-Feb.26th!!!!!!

I can't believe it has already been 3 years since you were born, my sweet little Isabelle Marie. Since day one, you have been such a joy to have in our family. You make us laugh everyday and I'm amazed at how much you are changing. I love how you sing to me(especially"Tomorrow" that's my favorite)and I love your creative, joyful, fun-loving spirit! As you continue to grow, I pray that God blesses every move you make, teaching you and molding you into the princess that you are(the kings warrior princess). I pray that your Daddy and I will raise you in the ways of our God so that it will equip you for whatever He has for your future...we love you so much! Happy Birthday!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Totally clueless

So I finally get a chance to sit down and work on cleaning up my book before I send it to an editor and what happens? Nothing. Yes that's right. I spend most of my time trying to find which documents are which and what CD has my final draft. You see, I am completely and totally clueless when it comes to computers. I haphazzardly(sp) fumble my way thru making things work. I also am working off of two computers. Our home computer and a lap top while David is working on our home computer...yikes! So, because of my cluelessness...if that's a real word...I have been saving different files & different disks, CD's and whatever else I can get my slow hand onto that I'm just totally confused! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Almost in tears, I tell myself not to start "really" crying because God is not going to have me write this book for me to lose it...then I found it. WHEW! (sigh of relief)
I now realize that I need to get my clueless act together and put everything(I mean everything) in the same place & then save it there...yep, clueless. I guess I need some computer courses...are there any for the completely and totally computer stupid?
Look, even my 5 & 3 year old know more about computers than me....hee hee hee
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
God is good!
God is so cool! I'm amazed at Him everytime I actually give Him a chance to speak...unfortunatly I do most of the talking. I posted awhile ago about a meeting that I had with a friend of mine who is a well known speaker. He advised me to consider finding speaking events so that I could get comfortable with doing it and also to promote my upcoming book. I have known for awhile now that God was leading me in this direction(even though I've fought it for about 2 years now). I feel like God gave me a story to tell and that I have to tell it. No matter what. Well only a week after my meeting a friend approached me with an event. She wanted me to come and share my story with some young women. Amazing! I just about jumped out of the booth that I was sitting in. Again, God is good. He is always good, I just need to listen and pay attention more!
So, the event was a couple of weeks ago and let me say again...God is good! He gave me peace that I have never felt before while speaking in front of others. And He blessed the event dramatically. One mother who was at the event actually cried when I told her why I was there & what I was speaking on. Turns out that she had been praying for someone, like myself, who the young girls could talk to and open up to. Again, God is good! They heard my story on purity and now they want me to come and do another event for the rest of their friends...Should I say it one more time? Yeah, okay...God is good!
Since then I've gotten some Godly advice on how to better myself with public speaking and I'm excited to see how God is going to sharpen me in this area(I need a lot of sharpening too)...that's the exciting part of being in His will...when we seek Him, He will sharpen our gifts and He will open opportunities...God is good!
So, the event was a couple of weeks ago and let me say again...God is good! He gave me peace that I have never felt before while speaking in front of others. And He blessed the event dramatically. One mother who was at the event actually cried when I told her why I was there & what I was speaking on. Turns out that she had been praying for someone, like myself, who the young girls could talk to and open up to. Again, God is good! They heard my story on purity and now they want me to come and do another event for the rest of their friends...Should I say it one more time? Yeah, okay...God is good!
Since then I've gotten some Godly advice on how to better myself with public speaking and I'm excited to see how God is going to sharpen me in this area(I need a lot of sharpening too)...that's the exciting part of being in His will...when we seek Him, He will sharpen our gifts and He will open opportunities...God is good!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Real Beauty

I just got word of this campaign that Dove is promoting...check this out! WHat a breath of fresh air since all we are ever seeing in the media are these perfect, fake models(who are usually airbrushed to look thinner)...Dove is showing some REAL Women, REAL GIRLs with REAl's about time we get to REAL BEAUTY...later I will post about INNER Beauty and what an awesome weekend I had on this subject!!!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Are you a Theophilus?

Last night I met with an teen girl who I've known for about 9years. She is a beautiful girl who has always struggled with being "set apart". Now her situation is not a problem of how to be set apart...she really is set apart! She knows her calling from God(as a 16 year old!)and she serves Him in every opportunity that she can. We met and talked for about an hour. She gave me a glimpse of what it is like as a teen girl in 2006. I have to say the issues havent changed much but I've lost touch of what these girls are going thru. It brought me back to my "teen struggles" and it reminded me that I had no one to talk with about them. She told me about a friend of hers who actually said to her mom the other day"I just wish someone would talk to us about sex & purity".
Wow! She desired someone to share with her. To help her deal with her everyday struggles with this! She needed someone to listen. Someone to give her Godly advice. She just needed someone.
Last week I met with a friend who goes around speaking on different subjects and sex is one of them. I met with him hoping that he would give me insight on what to do with my book on this very topic. He encouraged me to get the book edited, send it out to several publishers and pray. He also told me that it had taken him 20 years to get published(yikes) but you know what, I wasnt discouraged...I know God has a plan for this. He also encouraged me to speak. Something I'm not comfortable with but know that God is pushing me towards. So, since my meeting with him I've been praying for opportunities to come up. How? Where? I'm a stay at home mom-who am I going to speak to-my 5 year old? That's a little too soon to share with her about back to my other meeting...this teen girl is having a night of fun, pampering, movies, food & speakers & the topics are on sex & self image...
Man, God is good! She asked me to share my story...share about what God has done for me...share about mistakes I've made and how God has transformed me, share about his mercy, his forgiveness, his love...God is good.
So what does this have to do with "Theophilus" and what is Theophilus you ask?
After this girl and I met, I headed to my bible study. We have been studying the gospel of Luke. In the beginning of the first chapter Luke writes to "his excellent Theophilus".
I thought this was a specific person. Our leader shared that it was not a person at all, it's Hebrew for "lover of God".
Who are lovers of God? Anyone who serves him, loves him & want to do his will. That's me. That's you if you are a believer. Luke is writing this beautiful story of Jesus' life for us! He carefully examined it, studied it & wrote down what he had seen & heard. I feel like this is what God is doing in my life. I've been examining my life, my story and now I'm about to share it with others. So, I'm looking for Theophilus's...Lover's of God...people willing to hear & tell the story of Christ and their own experiences of what God had done for them. As the book of Luke continues throughout the entire book it tells of different people sharing in their stories, sharing in their joys, their sorrows and how God has moved thru them...for chapter 1:39-45 Mary hurries to Elizabeth's house to share in her joy!
Zechariah who was mute for several months after he had found out that he was going to have a son, in verse 67-80 he immediatly praises God & thanks him for his goodness and he runs to share it with others(notice how he didnt complain about being mute?)Another lesson, another time...
So, I'm on a journey to find more people like this. More people who are willing to "serve Him fearlessly" and share the gospel with unbelievers, share with eachother(lovers of God) on what he is doing for them! Are you a Theophilus?
Monday, January 23, 2006
The sun will come out tomorrow!

So last week I saw on television that the movie/musical "Annie" was on so I taped it! Since the 1982 film came out I have always loved it. If you can believe it I even cut my long hair(which came down to my butt)and I got a perm because I secretly wanted to BE Annie...crazy, I know. But my friend & I knew every line to the script, knew all the words to the songs & we would even dress up to look like little orphans. I remember walking thru JCPenny's one day(back in 1982ish)and seeing a red dress just like Annie's and begging my mom to buy it for me...well, I havent seen the movie in several years & I enjoyed sharing it with my daughters. The loved it just as much as I did when I was so little...from that moment on we've been playing "Annie" and David downloaded the songs for us so that we can sing along too!!!What fun it has been!
Then the other day I saw a commercial for Playhouse Square and what play are they putting on in Feb? None other than Annie!!!!
My girls(and myself included) are beside ourselves to think that we are going to see Annie in person(yes, I know that she is just an actress)so David is taking "us girls" on a date in Feb to see the play...I can see it now, David & 3 beautiful girls dressed in red!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Getting my head back together

Okay so I'll admit, I havent posted anything worthy of reading in the last...well, a really long time. My head has been "mush" lately. I now know why. 12 weeks before Thanksgiving I was training for a 4 mile race(I know it's not that BIG of a race but for me who has never ran long distance it was HUGE)and I was eating healthy, making time for my Heavenly Father every morning, and just plain...taking care of my outward & INward self. Well after the big snow storm which did not allow me to run the Thanksgiving race I pretty much stopped running, stopped getting up early to meet my Creator and my eating...well, let's not talk about that! So, a couple of nights ago when I saw my mom who has lost about 80 lbs and is walking everyday...I decided it was time for me to get my head back together again. This morning I woke up(almost at the time I wanted to)and I had some serious face time...confessed to God that I had been spoiled in my "loving sleep too much" and not waking in time for our morning sad. Jesus just wants me to meet him, face to face. To chat with Him. To pursue Him. He desires intimacy with me. To speak to me. It's beautiful really. A God who created the whole earth, wants to talk with ME? Amazing...yet, I don't make time for him...
It was nice to sit with Him this morning...Just the two of us. I am looking forward to our meeting throughout the day when I call on Him or when He reminds me of His love thru my little girls sweet kisses, or from the sun coming up, or a uplifting song...I am also looking forward to my time in the morning...Thank you Lord, for loving me...always. And for always allowing me to come back to you...