We have already gotten thru 3 weeks of school! I can't believe it! I am so thrilled with the homeschool program that we chose. Props out to the Ohio Virtual Academy for making their school so full of interesting subjects & tools! Abigail is loving History and of course Language Arts(she gets to do a lot of imaginary play with this subject)! And with History she has already learned all of the continents! Each week we "travel" to each continent and learn about the different animals and places there! I'm actually learning a lot too! (I don't think I could have even told you what all of the continents were)
Little Isabelle is doing great too! She sometimes gets involved in the lessons of the day or she keeps busy by playing around us...
Abby and I have kept it a habit every morning to pray together before we begin school time...we hold hands and pray for a good day together & I pray for patience...the other day she prayed for us and said, "God, thank you for school and especially thank you for the best part of it which is my mom being my teacher."
I melted!
Thank you God, for my wonderful daughters that I get to love & teach everyday...bless them both!
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