So last week I saw on television that the movie/musical "Annie" was on so I taped it! Since the 1982 film came out I have always loved it. If you can believe it I even cut my long hair(which came down to my butt)and I got a perm because I secretly wanted to BE Annie...crazy, I know. But my friend & I knew every line to the script, knew all the words to the songs & we would even dress up to look like little orphans. I remember walking thru JCPenny's one day(back in 1982ish)and seeing a red dress just like Annie's and begging my mom to buy it for me...well, I havent seen the movie in several years & I enjoyed sharing it with my daughters. The loved it just as much as I did when I was so little...from that moment on we've been playing "Annie" and David downloaded the songs for us so that we can sing along too!!!What fun it has been!
Then the other day I saw a commercial for Playhouse Square and what play are they putting on in Feb? None other than Annie!!!!
My girls(and myself included) are beside ourselves to think that we are going to see Annie in person(yes, I know that she is just an actress)so David is taking "us girls" on a date in Feb to see the play...I can see it now, David & 3 beautiful girls dressed in red!
I am also an Annie fan. I think we love the innocence of the film. The way daddy warbucks heart is softened by a little red head girl.
One of my fvorite characters is the little girl that always says "Oh my goodness...oh my goodnes.."
I hope I have the right play.
I always loved Annie too! I wished I could do all the cool gymnastics. My sisters and I used to sing those songs all the time!
I used to watch that 1982 version over and over again too - Carol Burnette rocked.
Of course, the best character EVER is Poonjab. Us Asian-Indians gotta stick together!
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