I havent posted lately because I've been doing alot of cleaning...cleaning out I should say. I've been the organizing queen over the last couple of weeks. Except the funny thing is that my house is a total mess! "How can I be so organized yet so messy?" You ask yourself...well, this goes in this bin, that goes in that bin, this gets thrown away, that gets to go on e-bay...you get the picture? So, if you were to stop at my house right now you'd go"oh my" because that is what I have been saying lately...oh my! An organized mess!
Well, at least it's organized-right?
On a different note, I just celebrated my 32nd birthday yesterday...wow, 32! What happened to 16?
We went to dinner with my parents, my in-laws & David's sister Donna. We had the best time. I couldnt have asked for a better present to have both sets of parents there. (they never get together-it's not that they don't like eachother, they just feel strange around eachother)anyway, we laughed the whole night!
David's mom invited everyone to her house for dessert and EVERYONE came...even my parents...it was great to sit back and watch everyone interact. I had such a wonderful night!
Oh, and Emily, thanks for my pedicure...my tootsies have never felt soooo soft...I love our birthday tradition! This is an old picture of Isabelle painting her cute little toes...if you look close you'll see Davids toes painted too...hee hee...such a daddy's girl...
Happy belated Birthday, Angie! Glad you had such a great time celebrating.
Dude, I seriously keep thinking that you & Dave are, like, 28.
Fooled me.
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