Thursday, December 27, 2007

Winter Fun

What a wonderful Christmas it was...being with friends, family & just plain doing nothing. We have really slowed down since last year & I love it! This year for Christmas we tried to focus more on the reason we celebrate rather than the world's view of Christmas. We took time to ponder Christ & His birth...every morning of Christmas we tell or act out the Christmas story(which of course the girls love doing). A friend of ours told us how she only gives her kids 3 gifts(afterall that is all Jesus got-right?) So we took on this new way of thinking, which limited our spending also. What freedom that gives when you know your limitations...

Here are some photos of us enjoying our time as a family during our snowy days...

Hope you have a wonderful beginning to your new year!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Friends for over 23 years!!!

Yikes that makes me really old! I just spent an evening with my friend Margaret & her family & we had such a blast! Margaret & I have been friends since I was in 4th grade & she was in seems like just yesterday that we both were walking down our Christian school hallway wearing our uniforms & dorky glasses to match! We became instant friends the moment we met. This past saturday night we reminisced about life over the last 23 years & well, we laughed...and laughed, and laughed. (that's about all we do when we're together). So here's a picture of Marge & me! (Then & Now-can you tell which one I am in the pyramid?)

I love ya Marge! Thanks for hanging out! It was nice to catch up & laugh about our time together over the years...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dream Big

I had to post this because Isabelle just looks too darn cute not this picture she worked really, really hard to make a pillow tower to reach the ceiling...about 2 years ago I took a picture of Abby doing the same thing! That picture is in my scrapbook right now & below it reads " Expose yourself to the possibility of doing something remarkable!"

That sums up my two amazing daughters...they are both always trying to figure things out & doing pretty remarkable things along the my eyes, making a huge pillow tower is pretty cool!!!!! Sitting on top without falling is pretty remarkable too! I like that they both dream big! As kids nothing holds them back, nothing! I want my life to reflect that...right now I'd say things like"yeah, but it might fall" but why not say" yeah, but it could stay up "

Dream big!!! Why not? What have I got to lose?

I know that I keep quoting Erwin McManus in his book "Soul Cravings" but listen to what he says here...

"We were created to strive for progress and to pursue it with passion. It is God who designed us this way. He made us creative, and he makes us responsible. "

We are the ones who have to ACT on the creative juices He gives us...we have to build the baseball field so that "they will come", we have to put together a "pillow tower" to reach the ceiling...why not? Yes it might fall, but why not try...dream big!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Late Anniversary Post

I've been waiting to put my pictures on my computer so that I can post about our 13th Anniversary here they are!

We traveled to the Erie Islands back in October to get some R & R and to have a little fun with the girls.

It was almost 90 degrees the entire 4 days that we were there...beautiful weather & wonderful family time together. We sailed on a boat, Abby got to surf at Kalahari, we met pirates, stole buried treasure, took nature walks, discovered a deserted beach & walked thru underground caves...Kelly's Island, Put-in-Bay are Cleveland's lost hot vacation spots...I'd recommend anyone spend time up there! What a beautiful place!
I can't believe it has been 13 years already since David & I said "I Do". What joy it has been to call myself his wife. We have grown alot together(especially since I've known him since I was in 2nd grade & he was in 5th grade)we've grown not only as individuals but as a couple as well. I never realized that I would love him more & more with each coming year! I never thought it was possible to love him more than I already did! David is an amazing husband, father, son & friend...he loves soooo good on people! He gives his all to others. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers many years ago by giving me this Godly man...I adore him & I'm thankful for being able to stand beside him...thru the good times & the hard times...I look forward to many, many, many more times to come!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Role Models?

Last night we had a special HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL birthday party for Abby & her friends...we had about 8 kids & 8 adults over & just had a blast! The kids had a little talent show & sang to all the songs & did a show for the parents...we had a few HSM trivia games...we put play microphones, starburts & HSM stickers in the kids goodie bags...what a fun party! Abby & Isabelle had a great time!

This morning after breakfast, I noticed David & Abby were suddenly missing from our morning playtime...they had closed the door of the school room & were talking-Daddy & daughter...I had no idea about what...until they called me in. David was practically in tears...

They then shared with me that one of Abby's friends who was at her party told her about Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella from HSM)...I'm sure you all heard about her taking her clothes off & taking some photos of herself that ended up all over the internet...well, Abby's friend told her that it wasnt true & of course Abby wanted to know if it was David told her that the rumor was true. Abby apparently began to weep. She loves Vanessa, she thinks she is so talented. She is supposed to be a role model...

We have all made mistakes, I know I have..too many to count. But if only the celeb's realized that people look up to them. Abby didnt end the conversation there...she decided to write Vanessa an e-mail. After I read it I then realized why David was almost in tears. It was heartwarming. She told Vanessa that she was sad about what happened & told her that she was beautifully & wonderfully made & that God loved her & that she would be praying for her...

Amazing...she was still not finished...she then printed off some HSM pictures & wrote on them "Remember to pray for Vanessa & the rest of the HSM cast"
She put the picture up in her room so that she'll remember to pray for them!
What an example... daughter is "reaching Hollywood" right where she is at...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Abby's 7th Birthday!

Where has 7 years gone? I remember the day that Abby came into this world(what mom wouldnt right?). She wanted to come about 3 weeks earlier but the doctor wouldnt let her-but she still decided to come 3 weeks before her actual due date. That's my girl! Abby is on her own agenda! She has a mind of her own. She wanted to get started on her life! Things to do!

We always knew (somehow)that one day we'd have a baby girl. While David & I were dating we would always talk about naming her Abigail...we didnt know why-we just knew.

Then when the doctor forgot to announce what we actually had...David so gently whispered in my ear "Ang, it's Abigail Rose-we have our baby girl"

My heart leaped! What a beautiful baby(even though she had a slight cone head due to the sucction they had to use to get her out) :)

Now 7 years later I look back & see how God is beginning to grow her into this incredible girl. Everyday I think "wow"...I know that she is going to do amazing things in her life. When we sit & read the Bible together daily, Abby challenges me, she asks questions that I would never even think to ask about God. She wants to learn, she wants to do His will, she desires to love Him.

We went through a few weeks of her not saying "I love you" to either of us(not even David)...we would say it to her everyday & wonder why she wouldnt respond...we prayed, we she confused about love? Abby is very deep. During our times of prayer about this we realized that Love is an important word. You shouldnt just say "I love chocolate" ...yes, I REALLY like chocolate, but how can I put "I love you" and "I love chocolate" together? They mean two different things...Erwin McManus talks about this in his book "Soul Cravings"...get this book-it's a great we asked God to calm our let us just LOVE her regardless if we heard it back or not...we patiently waited, loved, kept telling her that we loved her...and then she asked "how do I know if I really love someone?"

Woooo, her deep mind took her to a place, where if she wasnt sure about love then she didnt want to say it...she didnt want to just say it and wonder if she really meant it.

Well, one would normally be concerned about this...but God reminded David & I both that one day, we don't want her to just say "I love you" to anyone...yes, she is commanded to "love everyone" but to give her heart fully to express "love" is slightly different. I want Abby to carefully think about who she loves...who she one day will give herself to (future husband).

It's beautiful actually...I then started to enjoy her "time of searching"...we didnt push her, we just loved & waited...

Last night for the first time in a long time, Abby said" I love you mom & dad"...David & I both melted. I know that love is not about "hearing the words back" and getting your fill from someone, but wow did it feel good to hear her say it. And I could see in her eyes that she truly meant it-it wasnt just a was from her heart.

Thank you God for my beautiful, amazing Abigail! She teaches me everyday...

Happy Birthday Abby!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Will post soon

I've been really busy with...well, lots of things, so I will post later. I have a lot of pictures to share of our little vacation away last week...and I'll let you know about an audition that I'm going to later, fun, fun!!! Chao.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A little time away

Last weekend I spent driving alone out to Columbus to visit a friend who moved out there. The entire trip I sang my heart out...!!!!!She invited me to spend the weekend with her & a few other friends of hers to just hang out, shop, go the the salon & have fun! We spent the entire day Saturday shopping-uninterrupted-literally ALL day! I don't think I have ever done that! But being on a budget I didnt spend very much money-the other girls spent around $200-$300 each....wooooo! Then we headed to a salon where they all got massages & I decided on a new haircut! What fun to not be in a hurry-to just chill. I read a magazine, I ate slowly, I walked slowly thru the mall...I took my time. We tried on hair extensions(wow, that was so much fun), we got free makeovers & just had fun!
After we shopped till we dropped we finally got to dinner-at 10:00pm! We had an amazing yummy dinner at a restaurant called Mimmy's.

Then the next morning-I slept in to almost 9:30am!!!!!Ahhh, it was nice to not have to rush, get up, take the dog out, make breakfast...etc...I slowly got out of bed, took my time in the shower, ate breakfast & enjoyed conversation with the other girls.

Everytime my friend & I get together she asks a lot of questions about God. We always get into deep conversations because she is really searching. She takes her kids to Catholic church but does not believe all that they do. So we all just sat around & talked about God over cinnamon rolls & coffee.
Thank you Lord for a wondeful weekend of relaxing & sharing a little about you...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No writers block here!

Ahhhh, my mind won't stop! I have so many things up there that I don't know what to do with them all. Yes, I have a writer's pad that I jot my ideas in, but then what? Where do they go from there? God is sure teaching me patience as I see opportunities coming my seems like everywhere I turn, more & more doors keep opening. It's just that I don't know what do to after they open...I'm an ideas girl, not an admin girl...I think up ideas....then I sit on them...forever! I'm praying for someone to come into my life that can help me make up a plan. My friend Joy, who is also an ideas girl, just so happens to be an admin girl too(wish I had both gifts) but she is so graciously helping me with one of my projects. My book, which I wrote 3years ago, is finally moving forward. Joy has made up a timeline for me to focus on-a goal! She is also helping me to write some"pop ups" that will appear throughout my book. I am so excited about her doing this-she is funny, intelligent & brings such a different feeling to my words.

I'm also working on several other ideas that I truly believe God has inspired. He is working on David too because he is starting to get creativly involved in the ideas & dreams...!

It's scarey sometimes when you don' t have a clue to what God is doing. But on another note, it's awesome! So many times, I've watched Him take me to new places & I was fearful, but He is always good, He always has a better plan. Even the hard times take me in places I'd never venture to.
God, thanks for opening up these doors. I can already see your hand working...use me for your glory. Wherever you lead, we will follow.

Friday, September 07, 2007

My Sweet Isabelle

I havent bragged on my girls lately & I think today is a great day to do that! Abby started school about 2 weeks ago(1st grade already)and of course I am homeschooling again...we have double the hours this year & a lot of great, art, music are some of our new ones this year. I love working in our new homeschool room! It has been a little hard motivating her to do math, but wow...she loves science & history-which are both classes I hated in school! I want to focus on what she loves. We, of course are going to learn math(because she HAS to)but I can see a real passion for the others.

She wants to be a detective when she grows up, and I believe that she would make a great detective! So, we went to the library to find some detective books & mysteries. (if that's how you spell it-I never said I was smart-hee hee-in fact, I'm re-learning right along with Abby) She really loves to help "solve" them as we read!

Isabelle is not quite 5 yet so she missed being able to go to kindergarten this year, but she sits in on most of Abby's classes, and I have a special workbook just for her. She really loves learning how to write her letters! And she learned how to make patterns, she is quite the organizer so she really enjoyed that!

Both girls started gymnastics this week-we are trying it again to see which activity to choose. I don't want to be one of those mom's whose kids are involved in EVERYTHING! I don't think it is healthy. I want them to experience everything, but just not at the same time. So, we decided on one at a time. They both are really enjoying it so far!

The other night I was putting Isabelle to bed-we go thru this little ritual everynight-brush teeth, potty, stories, songs, we dance together...then we snuggle! As I was giving her a kiss goodnight, she puts her nose right up to my nose & says "mom, your the greatest mom EVER"

then another big hug & smooch!

Ahhhh, my heart. She had made my hectic, crazy day worth it all...

My sweet Isabelle.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Eyes still wide open

It's amazing the things that God throws your way when you have your eyes wide open...last weekend David & I were on a date...we wanted to see the movie "Transformers" and it was only playing in a theater out in Valley View(which is not any where close to us)but we went knowing that the movie would be leaving the theaters soon...we drove out there & when we walked in we were greeted by one of David's clients. She has a non-profit organization that helps people with cancer. Her mother recently died of cancer. She was there not about her organization but about herself. She needs to raise a lot of money for an upcoming surgery that she HAS to have to save her life-she found out that she has some major heart problems(I don't know the medical terms for it). She not only asked for prayer but she said that she needs help to fix her house to make it "live in care" ready(she'll need someone to care for her during this time)she said she needed to build some sort of shed to house her extra boxes to clear out a spare bedroom....praise God, our church just started a program that reaches out to those in need. I suggested Mosaic(our church)to come & build what she is in need of! She was blown away! I plan on organizing this project this week with Mosaic...

Then another woman greeted us asking if we were interested in doing a Moviegoer focus group...what in the world? We were interested since the movie world is our thing...she told us to come to this office in a few days, watch some previews, talk about them, critique them & we'll each make $100!!!!!Okay, was there a catch? Nope. We went, since we love critiquing movies & commercials...and we had a blast! They filmed us as we talked to show to the movie producers & such...not only was it fun, but we had a chance to share some cool God stuff about why the movie idea was either good or bad. Who knows who will be watching it & what God will do with our words...We both were very open about our comments & felt like God had led us, we each earned some Ben Franklins!!!!! What fun! Thank you God for yet another cool, fun opportunity!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Awesome Night

I just wanted to share what an awesome night I had tonight! We are involved with our small group from our church Mosaic & during the summer we've been meeting just for cookout & hang out time(not really bible study). We encourage everyone that hosts a cookout to invite their neighbors...well, it was our turn to host this month & I totally forgot to invite my neighbors...

Last night as David & I were taking our pup out I noticed a neighbor just getting home-I basically ran to their house(barefeet & all) and rang the doorbell...after I invited them, she actually hugged me & thanked me for the invite! Then as I walked home(barefoot)I noticed my zipper was down....haa haaa...I must have looked like a dork! But then I walked across the street & invited 2 more sets of neighbors....after I zipped up my zipper of course.

Well, let me just say how good God is....all of them came tonight!!!!!!!Everyone! Usually when you invite 3 people you'll get maybe 1(if your lucky) but we invited 6 and got 6!!!!!God is good!

We had a house full (about 16 people plus 10 kids) & I was just praying that we'd have enough food-and of course we did! It reminds me of the fish & the bread story in the bible.

I got a chance to connect with a neighbor who just had a stroke(about 3 months ago) and she is unable to speak really well. She understands everything but she can't always remember the words to say...I wrapped my arms around her & tried my best to make her feel comfortable(I can't imagine what that must feel like-to suddenly not be able to talk)
the other neighbor ladies & I discovered that we all love to scrapbook so we are planning a ladies get together in the next couple of weeks...

Man, God is good! I almost didnt run to my neighbors...I remember looking at David saying" It's too late, they arent going to be able to come-it's tomorrow"
But they came! Thank you God for being bigger than I am! I'd like to think that I'll continue to keep my eyes wide open to your prodding...zipper down & all! Hee hee....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Our summer in a nut shell

Here are some photos to enjoy of some of the things that we did this summer! As school approahces I am reminded that summer is almost over :(

Some of our favorite memories are:


Kirkland Farm

Swimming with friends



Reese(our new pup)



Stan Hywet(the butterfly conservatory was amazing)

Soccer with Mosaic

and just plain doing nothing...being together!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Windstream commercial pics

Finally, here are some photos of David & I shooting the commercial...the guys we are with are the directors. They were awesome, down to earth guys that really made sure that we were ok...every half hour or so, they'd poke their heads into the trailer and say"you guys okay, do you need anything?" They took such good care of us. We are still in contact with them & are hoping to do more work for them in the future.

The hours that we waited for our time to be on set gave us opportunities to chat with the other actors & crew members. Its amazing the work that goes in behind the scenes to stuff like work hard, then you wait a lot! And eat!

I loved watching behind the camera-it was incredible to see how the commercial will actually look from just seeing it in person. In the back sat the sound crew & the Windstream clients with head sets on to make sure they were getting everything they wanted from the shoot.

Being that we were the last ones on set with the crew it gave us even more opportunities to get to know them & how things are done. I asked a lot of questions & just watched. I love this stuff!

It made me want to pursue this dream even more!
So, be on the look out for the commercial near the end of August & don't be surprised if you hear us on the radio & see us in some print ads! Crazy, fun stuff!!!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007


Our pastor has been talking alot about love & forgiveness...I've been thinking about it lately. Do I love even though it is hard too? Do I forgive? If I do not forgive then I have not I am not loving like God has called me to do. How often do people look at me the same way? Have I asked for peoples forgiveness when I needed to most? God forgives me daily...and daily I need His forgiveness...but do I extend that same type of grace/love to others? Hmmm...reality check.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

eyes wide open

I have much to post but such little time...I'll be back & running soon...I'll share some photos of our commercial gig & our time out with some friends...and some great deep conversations with our friends about life & God...
I recently watched the movie"Bridge to Tarabitha"(loved it-hated it at the same time)but I love what the little girl says"Keep your eyes WIDE open"
I'll post more about that later the meantime, I'm keeping my eyes WIDE open....

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here's my news!

Okay so a couple of weeks ago my casting director contacted me about an audition for a commercial-so, David & I both auditioned together...just for fun, not really thinking that we'd get it-and it went awesome! We improved the entire time. The audition was for a Windstream commercial. They were going around nationwide looking for only 16 people to be in this commercial. Well, we both felt very good about the audition but never thought that it would go any further than that...well, I got a call last Thursday to confirm that yes, we BOTH got in!

They are flying us out on Thursday morning & we arrive in KY(why KY-I have no idea)and we shoot all day & night on it! Then they are flying us home on Friday! Talk about in & out!
They are paying for everything-hotel, airfare, food...we even get our own hair, makeup & wardrobe people! Crazy stuff!!!! I only had wardrobe for Spiderman 3...
We are soooo excited! We're making this into a little getaway because the kiddos are staying with Nanie!

I just keep praying that God reveals opportunities for me to "Reach Hollywood"
That's one dream & whisper from Him that I will never forget. We'll see what He has in store!
I'll post more after the big trip! Thank you God for yet another opportunity!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Exciting news!

Here's a teaser...I just got a call a couple of days ago from a NY producer...I know some of the info but she's supposed to call me back either today or tomorrow to give me the details on the project...I'll post more when I find out...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Jeremiah's fears & mine

Jeremiah 1-
The Lord gave me a message. He said, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart & appointed you as my spokesman to the world."
I said to the Sovereign Lord," I can't speak. I am too young"
"Don't say that for you must go wherever I send you & say whatever I tell you. Don't be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and take care of you. I the Lord has spoken."

Then the Lord touched Jeremiah's mouth & said, "See I have put the words in your mouth. I appoint you to stand up against nations & kingdoms, you are to uproot some & tear them down, to destroy & overthrow. You are to build others up & plant them." "Get up & get dressed, go out & tell them whatever I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them...for I am with you & will take care of you. I the Lord have spoken."

Wow! I am soooo much like Jeremiah. I am fearful of failing. Of disappointing the Lord, or others, or myself. I am too young to go and do God's work(this is clearly an excuse since I am in my 30's)
I have so many projects that I am just sitting on...just waiting for something BIG to happen...but nothing happens because I don't ACT!!!!! I don't Do what God wants me to do. I sit, I wait, I fear, I make excuses, I listen to the negative remarks that that jerk Satan is telling me"this is not good enought, you can't do this, that will never work..."
But my God is saying something VERY different...

For He is the one who created me. He is the one that knew me before I was even concieved. He gave me these desires, these ideas...what am I waiting for?

Right now, my book that I wrote almost 3 years ago, is waiting to be published. It's waiting to be read, the words that God gave me are waiting to be heard. I NEED to act! I need to DO what God is calling me to do.
I am moving forward...knowing that God is gently saying" I am with you, I will give you words to say, I will take care of you..."
With Him I will NOT fail!!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Time with my girls

David has been on a Men's camping trip since Friday so it has just been me & the girls. It's not often that I am parenting solo since David is so involved & it such an amazing father. We had fun playing together outside & just hanging out. Then in my rush to leave one afternoon, I locked myself out of the I am trying to be independent on my weekend alone...and I lock myself out! My in-laws(who live with us)were not home & no one else has a after about 1 1/2 hours outside, my kind neighbor & I broke in! Yep! Hopefully he isnt a robber or something...hee hee, because now he knows how to get into my house...yikes!
Note to self: leave a spare key somewhere....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Got Milk?

The other day as I was working out, my daughter, Abby came in to watch me...she lifted up these weight bands & slowly started to stretch them up one arm at a I was watching her she made the funniest faces as she strained to lift them higher & higher...she then said to me, " wow Mom, this side is must be getting more milk to it!"

Made sense to me...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Friends from afar come to our rescue!

Our amazing friends Dan & Jen (as couples, friends for over 15 years, Dan & I have been friends our whole life)came up all the way from Athens, Ohio(3 1/2 hours)just to help us plant our grass! Wow! What sacrifice. We didnt even need to ask, they just came. They are the most giving couple I have ever met. They left 4 years ago to help start a church along with 2 other couples...just like that. They left their jobs, families, start a much needed ministry out in the college town of Athens. Amazing!

We toiled hard yesterday in the blazing sun, working like maniacs to beat the rain. Raking, shoveling, raking, seeding, fertilizing, laying hay, watering...all before sundown! If anyone can make a job like that fun it is the four of us. We had such a good time thru our labor. David & I could not have done it without them! We would have STILL been out there as we speak! Then after we got cleaned up we enjoyed wings & friday nights Cavs/Pistons game that we had taped! What a way to end the evening!
I pray that God blesses this couple for all of their hard work & their many years of serving Him!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life in a nutshell

Wow, it has been awhile since I last posted! I guess life has been busy...but a good busy. Not the busy that we used to's more of the selective busy, where I am in control of how busy we get...make sense?
Well, all has been well here at the Smith household. We have finished school this year(actually we finished early May-so we've been enjoying an early summer break)
Abby is siked about being a 1st grader! And I can't believe that she is already! She did amazing in Kindergarten & is reading like a maniac! I love to hear her reading to her little sis. It's so sweet.
Isabelle is excited that I'm going to "teach" her next year(not officially-but our own stuff)and she can't wait to learn how to read like her big sis!
She is still making me laugh constantly & is now creating her own language...abooga wega, morta, woooo...ya know...stuff like's actually funny because when she gets to speaking this crazy Jawa language Abby cracks up hysterically & uncontrollably...then Isa just keeps it going...

David is crazy busy with work! Praise God, even during the "slow season" God has provided lots of work!
I've been getting the homeschool room ready for next year & working on launching my business in the next couple of weeks. And I'm also considering teaching a group of homeschoolers in a acting class this fall, for some extra fun money. So, things are picking up- but it is things on our "to do" list...or should I call it "it's about time" list?

We are still working out like maniacs(more than ever in my entire life)and David has lost 22 lbs!!!!!! I refuse to get on the scale until we are finished with this program but my clothes are FINALLY fitting again!
So, that's us in a nutshell, I'll post more later about what God is doing in our lives...mostly just teaching us to be patient more, rely on Him more, and to finally put some action to our faith(and stop JUST talking about it)

Friday, May 04, 2007


What a blast we had last night at the midnight showing of Spiderman 3! The theater filled up at 10:00(2 hours before the show)and people were dressed in spidey gear & even some in costume! Our good friends Mike & Keri braved the late show with us & supported my crazy idea to see it before everyone else at 12AM!!!!!!
The movie is intense, funny, romantic, scarey & just plain awesome!!!! Sam Raimi outdid himself in this movie! I would even consider it part of my favorite movies list! We are going with about 6 other friends tonight & a cast member that I met on set! I can't wait to see it again & find things that I did not see or pick up on during my first viewing.
Well, about 35-40 minutes into the show you'll see the Cleveland shots that we took! It was amazing to watch the whole thing unfold since I was actually part of making it! Not even a glimpse of me was shown, but I have no regrets! To be part of something so incredible was worth every minute of the 2 weeks that I was filming it-thru the cold Cleveland air, to getting sick & losing my voice during the filming & standing around waiting & waiting & waiting for our was worth it all!!!!!
I'm looking forward to some auditions coming up this month for a few indie films(not Spiderman)but anything for the love of the art!
Enjoy the show!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Finally after a whole year of waiting!!!!!

AHHHHH, I can't wait until Spiderman 3!!!!!
I have been waiting patiently all year since the shooting of the movie & it is finally here...!
I've convinced myself that it is okay if I am not actually seen in the movie(yes, okay, I guess I will be a little bummed after all the hard work)but I am still excited to see the footage that we did. And what a thrill it was to be a part of something that I've always been so amazed by...
So, go check it out THIS weekend!!!! Friday-May 4th is the official release date!!!!!
In fact, I'm going to a midnight showing on thrusday(yes, I know, I'm crazy)and a bunch of friends are going with us again on Friday-May 4th....what fun!
So, if I were you-don't get any popcorn or pop because you don't want to have to go to the bathroom & miss my big break...(hee hee)look for the car chases in the city, a fight between Spidey & the sandman, and a crazy woman wearing black reacting to spidey hanging from the back of an armoured vehicle(crazy woman is me) :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007


So much has happened & time keeps slipping away from me. My daughters are growing up & changing into beautiful girls(they are no longer babies). I try to do my best to live in the moment but the moments keep getting away from me. But what fun we have! Everyday I get the pleasure of playing with my girls & pretending & imagining with them. Today I was a Star Wars character being attacked by the evil Dark side. Pillows instead of a life sabor was being thrown at me. We giggled & laughed together & so many times I think I'm still not spending enough time with them!
I can't believe the school year is almost over-Abby will be in First Grade-she did awesome in Kindergarten & I loved being her teacher! She just sent in her first book for a writing contest for her was called"The Adventures of Princess Ella & Her Brave Siberian Husky"
I loved her ideas & watching her come up with the story line. Her eyes would twinkle as she told me about the characters & she'd giggle when said something funny in the story. What an imagination!
Isabelle is quite the clown! She makes me laugh everyday & always has such great ideas! She has a heart of a giver & always wants to make someone feel better when they are sick or sad. She also loves to sing, dance & especially loves to draw. She is an artist like her Daddy. We put up a special "Art Wall" in her room to display some of her creations. Simply beautiful to watch her work! Her favorite movie is "Flushed Away"! She knows all the lines, all the words in the songs & all the actions...I enjoy watching her more than the movie-what an actress!

We have been busy getting David's parents settled into their "living area" and my is it beautiful! Our friend from church did it all & it turned out better than we had ever expected. They seem happy there now that they have a place to call their own.

David is still doing amazing at the shop. He is busy all the time with work that God has blessed him with. Together we have been doing this intense nutrition/exercise program & over the last 6 weeks our bodies are being pulled & stretched in ways we never thought possible. We've always wanted to loose some of our bad eating habits & some extra weight that has creeped up on us & finally we are seeing results. I admit, it has been grueling-but I don't think we will ever go back to the way we lived. Eating was such entertainment for us-we love to we are loving to eat all the RIGHT things. It has been fun to cook the amazing meals & sweat like maniacs to get the yuck out! I've never had so much energy before! It's amazing how eating healthy can actually make you feel better! Go figure...
So, life here is still going-just not much time to post as often as I'd like, but we are still here!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


What an amazing weekend we had at the retreat! I can not express what it was fully like because God just plain rocked my world! It is beyond complete expression in words..I will try.
We had 28 women who came out & were even early & anxious to get the weekend rolling! We started out just meeting & socializing with one another enjoying fellowship...then Colleen started to speak. Our focus was on John 15. These verses are ones that I have read time & time again, but God revealed more in His words than ever before. Remain In Him. Remain In Him. Apart from Him we can do NOTHING!!!!!
Yes, I do my bible studies, but are they on a regular basis? No.
Yes, I pray, but do I think about Him throughout my busy day? No.
Am I ready to be hated because of my faith. I'm not sure.
Am I going to follow the call of loving others unconditionally? Well, I hope so. But do I? Not all the time.
I realized that I need to stop saying that I'm going to spend time in Christ, I'm just going to DO IT! I need to do it. It is the only way that I will survive this Life...praise God the last two mornings I have woken up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm clock to spend time with my Heavenly Father...I give Him all the glory. He is passionate about me. He is passionate about spending time with me. How amazing is that? The God of the universe wants to spend time with ME! With me. An imperfect person, who disappoints Him daily.Wow!
What an amazing God we have!
So in saying all of that, I realized that I need to give Him more of me. Remain In Him, Love others, go & share about His love without worry or being afraid.
Many of the women expressed what God was revealing to them...a lot of the same things...some addictions that they needed to rid themselves of, some sins they needed to surrender...the list goes on....
It was beautiful to see my fellow sisters in Christ coming together uplifting one another in pray & accountability.
Praise God I even set up a blog for everyone that went on the retreat to post what God is continuing to do...I just set it up this morning & the posts are coming in left & right!
Thank you Jesus for your word in John...may we continue to Remain in You...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Mosaic Womens Retreat

wow! Time has come so quickly & it is already time for our first Mosaic Womens Retreat!!!!!
We were a little worried at first since we only had 10 people signed up as of 2 sundays ago, but last sunday the ladies just kept signing up...we are up to 30 women! The lead time & I have been planning for several months now on how this weekend is going to look...and God kept on telling us His matter what we kept thinking...God kept whispering something different in our ears. I am so glad that we listened & went with His way! It will be amazing to see how God is going to reveal many things to us thru these 24 hours. This will NOT be your typical womens is not just a time to get away from the hustle & bustle of life...but a time to just sit quietly with God. Most retreats that I've gone on have been great, but it has mostly just been about me getting away from normal life...this time we don't just want to get away from our normal life but we want to get in closer with our Maker. He desires us to be with him, and our normal crazy lives get in the way that we don't make time for Him.
We are studying the scriptures that my blog header is based on..."Remain in Him" John 15:5-17

I have been thinking & praying about this scripture since we decided on it to be the one that we are focusing on...and let me tell has been kicking my butt!
I seriously need to "Remain in Him" more in my life! He longs for it, that type of fellowship with Him draws us closer to Him & more & more good hidden things become revealed....How cool is that? So, why don't I just DO IT!!!!!!
"Remain in Me and I will Remain in You."

I'll post more on how the retreat goes...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

School Picture Time!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Catch up

Even though our schedules have been depleted(due to realizing that life is too short to be soooo busy-we have a "less stressed-less busy" policy in the Smith household). I was noticing how I was becoming one of those moms that had their child in EVERY activity...and I was recognizing other moms pressuring me to do so...So, after I killed SuperMom(read my "Velvet Elvis" post if you have no idea what I'm talking about)we decided that we needed to slow our lives down & only commit to what is truly important to us. With all THAT said, there has been a lot of activity over here & I'm going to catch up & fill you in on what's been going on...

David has been crazy busy with his job!Praise God! This is the time of year that things should be slow for him but God has been giving him job after job...he still works from home & loves it, and he is working on several "life" changes(instead of resolutions)where he is starting to hear God's voice directing him in life...He is the best dad ever, he gives so much of himself for us girls in his life...I'm proud of him everyday...

My in-laws are now living with us as of Dec 2nd...things couldnt be better! Praise the Lord we have really enjoyed our time with them...we have a contractor working on their living space, as we speak & it should be finished within 4-6 weeks or sooner! We thank God everyday for orchestrating this whole thing so beautifully with both houses selling, the moving of both our families, emotions & His Timing...beautiful...beautiful...beautiful...

Abby is doing amazing at homeschooling. We both really enjoy it, even though sometimes she says" Ahh mom, can't I just play today?" She is excelling in her courses learning about History all over the globe, Math(including Geometry already, Reading(which she is at a 1st grade level) & Language Arts(which is her favorite because she get to not only read but act out what she's learned). Her teacher(whom we have only talked to on the phone)said that she is doing great & she could move on to 1st grade early if we wanted.Abby performed in her very first play this Christmas where she got to be an angel bringing the good news of Jesus' birth. She loved learning her lines & dressing up as the Angel. She is an example of gentle kindness daily as she cares for those in our family...if someone gets hurt, she is there to aid in ANY way she can...from silly faces, to kleenex or bandaids...Abby is right on top of it...she has a very gentle & kind spirit.

Isabelle amazes me everyday with her heart & sense of humor. She loves our kitty, Winner & takes such good care of her. Lately I have found her to be a genius at organizing...seriously, I don't know where she got this from, but she makes a point everynight to organize her toys for the next day. It is adorable to watch her at work! She loves to play games on the computer while Abby & I are doing school. She has great ideas about everything & anything...she loves to share her toys & everytime she gets something new she automatically gives part of it to her big sissy...she has a very generous heart...

I have been loving my new position as a teacher. It is not as difficult as I was worried that it would be. Props out to Ohio Virtual Academy for their amazing system that makes teaching easy & fun for both student & teacher!
I had the opportunity to Assistant Direct a Christmas play at VCA this past year. It was fun watching the kids come to life as they learned their lines & movements...this is something I hadnt done for quite some time, so it was wonderful to be a part of it.
I am still singing with our church band at Mosaic.(check it out I love it every week! This is also something that I hadnt done in many years, so what a blessing it has been to serve in this way! Our band rocks! There are so many talented people in it! And we just plain love to worship together! I am, like David working on some "life" changes this year. And I'm proud to post that I have conquered my first thing....hold on to your seats everybody...I no longer bite my nails!!!!!!!!This might sound funny but it has been a serious problem with me, my whole life-so this is HUGE for me. One day, I was just plain sick of my gross looking I stopped. Praise the Lord for giving me the self control that I down...many more life changes to go...(updates as they come)

I also just started mentoring a young women at our church where we meet every other week. It has been a wonderful experience to get to know her, pray for her & just live life with her...we are having a blast together!
My book is still in production & I'm starting to see that God wants me to write more to it...I guess there is more to my story that I didnt tell yet, so we'll see what God leads me to say...I'm NOT giving up on this's too important to tell. When my friend Joy took me to Bethel College with her to speak on purity & relationships I realized that there were many girls in my shoes & they needed to be reached...I have been chatting with some of these girls via e-mail & they've shared with me some things that I might include in my book of things girls struggle with. On that note, I'm not finished yet...and I won't stop until it's done!

Other updates: Spiderman 3 comes out in theaters May 5th(so excited-I can't wait to see the scenes that we shot)
I've gotten a few phone calls to audition for other movies(but the audition was in CA-so you can imagine my disapointment) I just know that I'm needed right here, right now & if that is something God has for me, he will provide a way later one day...but I did tell my casting director to inform me of any other projects in Cleveland...more & more movies are being shot there...

So that is it in a nutshell...some ups, some downs, some crashes, some falls, some mistakes, some successes(if I can spell that word-lol)but overall, thankfullness...

Monday, January 15, 2007

I love my family!

I came across these pictures & just had to post them! I have the most adorable daughters in the world!!!!They light up my life everyday...and they keep me on my toes too! I always knew that being a mom would be the best...but I had no idea what that actually looked I know. Pure Joy!
Yes, there are times when I want to ring both of their necks but beyond those moments...pure joy! I love how they call me "momma" still, I love how they always cheer me up, I love how Isabelle organizes her room, I love how Abby smiles & makes me laugh, I love how Isabelle hugs me and says" I can't let go of this mommy"

I love my family.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy Birthday

We have known eachother for almost an entire lifetime...when I look back at your life I remember some wonderfully fond memories... when you were only 11 years old rollerskating at Skate 8, smiling as you glided by(I thought you were cute then too), I remember when my mom would tell me that you were coming over to have dinner with us & she would say"One day you'll marry that David"(I could have only dreamt she'd be right), I remember the many times you'd come to play with my older brother & you would always come to my rescue when he was mean to me, I remember when we were both signed up for the same karate class & how we stood next to eachother in our gee's, I remember you sitting next to me in youth group playing with my long hair, I remember you walking into a party with your striped baggy pants & muscle shirt(wooo you looked hot)I remember you asking me to a Michael W. Smith concert(as friends)and how long it took me to figure out what to wear, I remember the kiss on my forehead, I remember you sitting under the stars telling me for the first time how much you cared about me all of these years, I remember sitting on my parents couch when you told me that you loved me & wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, I remember your face as I walked down the aisle, I remember holding your hand & you smiling at me as you so gently told your vows to me, I remember your sweet voice telling me to breathe as our first & second daughters were born, and I remember your face how it lit up as you held each of them, I remember eating late at night watching movies & laughing uncontrollably with you...I look back and know that I am truly blessed...I have married my best friend, I can't imagine life without you David. Thank you for being who you are & for loving me so unconditionally throughout the years. I love being your wife, your friend & your pal. Thank you for being such an amazing dad & lift me up everyday! I pray that you have a wonderful birthday & I look forward to spending many, many, MANY more with you...

Monday, January 01, 2007


This is my church. We have been attending Mosaic for almost 2 years now & we love it! My kids LOVE it! I am so glad that we have found a church that we can call home. We were beginning to wonder if we were ever going to find it. Mosaic's motto (if you want to call it that)is "To live by faith, to be a voice of Hope and to be known by our Love"
I love this! What a perfect description of how the church should look. All too often churchs are not living this way & many get fed up with the idea of "church" because of it.
No church is perfect. But I'm glad that our leaders at Mosaic are striving to model our church the way Jesus would want..."To live by faith, to be a voice of Hope & to be known by our Love".

Last night we had about 14 people from Mosaic over for a last minute New Years Bash(thanks Kim for volunteering our home!)It was great. We ate & ate, laughed, played crazy games & just plain enjoyed eachothers company. This is what Jesus would want us to do as a community of believers. Enjoy life, eat together, laugh, share in eachothers lives, encourage one another...did I say Eat already? Live life together.
I'm excited to see where 2007 brings us. We already have some amazing things lined up for Mosaic. I am co-hosting a women's retreat this March & I can't wait to see what God is going to do to change & encourage women's hearts.



On a personal note, David & I have some ideas of how we are going to change this year. Yes, a couple physical ways, but mostly spiritual. We also have many, Many, MANY things on our LIFE checklist that we want to accomplish...updates to come...
So, Happy New YEar one & all. I pray God reveals many, Many, MANY things to your LIFE checklist this upcoming year...