Saturday, November 03, 2007

Role Models?

Last night we had a special HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL birthday party for Abby & her friends...we had about 8 kids & 8 adults over & just had a blast! The kids had a little talent show & sang to all the songs & did a show for the parents...we had a few HSM trivia games...we put play microphones, starburts & HSM stickers in the kids goodie bags...what a fun party! Abby & Isabelle had a great time!

This morning after breakfast, I noticed David & Abby were suddenly missing from our morning playtime...they had closed the door of the school room & were talking-Daddy & daughter...I had no idea about what...until they called me in. David was practically in tears...

They then shared with me that one of Abby's friends who was at her party told her about Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella from HSM)...I'm sure you all heard about her taking her clothes off & taking some photos of herself that ended up all over the internet...well, Abby's friend told her that it wasnt true & of course Abby wanted to know if it was David told her that the rumor was true. Abby apparently began to weep. She loves Vanessa, she thinks she is so talented. She is supposed to be a role model...

We have all made mistakes, I know I have..too many to count. But if only the celeb's realized that people look up to them. Abby didnt end the conversation there...she decided to write Vanessa an e-mail. After I read it I then realized why David was almost in tears. It was heartwarming. She told Vanessa that she was sad about what happened & told her that she was beautifully & wonderfully made & that God loved her & that she would be praying for her...

Amazing...she was still not finished...she then printed off some HSM pictures & wrote on them "Remember to pray for Vanessa & the rest of the HSM cast"
She put the picture up in her room so that she'll remember to pray for them!
What an example... daughter is "reaching Hollywood" right where she is at...

1 comment:

123 said...

Wow! Angie, I actually saw that poster in the girls' rooms and was amazed when they suggested that we pray for them-each and every character...What a sad realization for her to experience, yet what a wonderful beginning to her ministry. I told her tonight that God has a special plan for her, and she said that she wants to be in movies...He is faithful and He will do it. He is already preparing her.
What a joy I find in being a part of your and Dave's girls lives!