I havent bragged on my girls lately & I think today is a great day to do that! Abby started school about 2 weeks ago(1st grade already)and of course I am homeschooling again...we have double the hours this year & a lot of great classes...science, art, music are some of our new ones this year. I love working in our new homeschool room! It has been a little hard motivating her to do math, but wow...she loves science & history-which are both classes I hated in school! I want to focus on what she loves. We, of course are going to learn math(because she HAS to)but I can see a real passion for the others.
She wants to be a detective when she grows up, and I believe that she would make a great detective! So, we went to the library to find some detective books & mysteries. (if that's how you spell it-I never said I was smart-hee hee-in fact, I'm re-learning right along with Abby) She really loves to help "solve" them as we read!
Isabelle is not quite 5 yet so she missed being able to go to kindergarten this year, but she sits in on most of Abby's classes, and I have a special workbook just for her. She really loves learning how to write her letters! And she learned how to make patterns, she is quite the organizer so she really enjoyed that!
Both girls started gymnastics this week-we are trying it again to see which activity to choose. I don't want to be one of those mom's whose kids are involved in EVERYTHING! I don't think it is healthy. I want them to experience everything, but just not at the same time. So, we decided on one at a time. They both are really enjoying it so far!
The other night I was putting Isabelle to bed-we go thru this little ritual everynight-brush teeth, potty, stories, songs, we dance together...then we snuggle! As I was giving her a kiss goodnight, she puts her nose right up to my nose & says "mom, your the greatest mom EVER"
then another big hug & smooch!
Ahhhh, my heart. She had made my hectic, crazy day worth it all...
My sweet Isabelle.
She is cute, shes lucky to have a mom like you Ang, Your family is great!!!
Good words.
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