Majesty, Majesty. Your grace has found me just as I am. Empty handed but alive in your care. I love this song. I think it's one of my favorites now. As we were singing this at church sunday nite my soul began to weep. He takes care of me, no matter what is going on in my life.
We talked about the fall of man & how Adam & Eve were just "hanging out" around the tree of good & evil. They could go anywhere in the entire garden & there they were. They wanted to "take things into their own hands" to see if they could "be like God" to have the knowledge of Him. So what do they do? They hang out right next to the temptation. I desire to run from the temptations in life. I don't only want to RUN, but I want to run towards something amazing. I not only want to RUN into the arms of Christ but I want to BE like Christ. I want holiness. I want a holy, blameless life that is constantly running & doing my job here on earth. I desire to reach people to love people, to truely embrace the lost. That's the ultimate goal for my life. The goal that Christ himself asked of us. That's it. To love, to be one. To reach out. To run from evil & temptations. But here we are, like Adam & Eve, wanting more. Desiring more. Climbing the tree to just see if there is more. Then we are tempted. We fall. We leave the plan of God. We are ashamed. We run. We hide.
I'm learning more & more the importance of our brothers & sisters in Christ. They are not just there to hang out with. They are there to support us, to lift us up when we are tempted. So when you struggle, don't hide, don't run away in shame. Run towards someone(a brother or sister in Christ) and allow them to carry your burdens. It's much easier to bare when someone is right there beside you lifting you up. How awesome that God made us one & desires us to be one so that we can do this for one another. Not only do we have God to lift us up & to make us "alive in His care" but He also gave us friends. Come on brothers & sisters, let's embrace this whole "oneness" thing & be honest with one another. Life here on earth wouldnt seem quite so bad then...
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