Well, 11 years have past since David & I became husband & wife...amazing! Our anniversary was on October 8th but it has been a whirlwind of a week already(and it's only Wednesday).
It was a beautiful, sunny October day. The leaves had just started to change colors. I was running late(as usual). I quickly dressed & got my hair done and looked in the mirror. Wow, I'm getting married...to the man of my dreams, to the Godly man that I prayed for. To the man that I never thought I'd ever have. To David. I didnt feel the normal gitters that a bride feels. I was just excited. I wanted to get the show on the road! Come on, just let me run down the aisle to him! But I waited until the right moment...when the photographer told me to & when my dad took my hand. Then I saw him. Pale as ever but he was standing at least. He looked ready too. We both talked about this moment for months now. Now the time had come. We were to be husband & wife.
After a beautiful ceremony of love, tears & some laughter(I almost caught my dress on fire from the unity candle-but David, already my hero came to my rescue & stopped the candle from falling from my hand) we said those magic words,"I do". And the rest is history!
Now 11 years later & I'm still learning how to love him the way God has designed me to. This past year has been the most rewarding & the most challenging...but God has gotten us thru. In fact, this past week we experienced something that we've never had to encounter-a wedge that we never imagined would enter our marriage, but God had victory! It's amazing how two truely become one & you feel the others heart. The way that God intended...it is so beautiful. I know that we have a long way to go but I also know that we have already come so far. God has revealed some holes in our marriage that we have begun to repair...holes that I didnt even think exsisted, but He is in control & David & I will grow even closer because of them. I look forward to another 11 years with this amazing man & many, many more...
hi warrior princess. hope u don't mind i looked up "princess warrior" on the blog-search and found ur sight. where do u live?
i was reading this entry and was deeply moved...i love seeing the beauty of God between a man and a woman ;)
i guess it's an encouragement too...i'm 22, never dated, no bf, and never been asked out...i guess u can say it's been hard to be single when all ur friends are moving on...but it pushes me into His arms even more, and i am definitely praying for the husband now. at this point, it's hard to believe that one day i might marry the godly man of my dreams.
thanks for sharing pics and story...u two are a beautiful couple.
your friend,
I love that picture! You are so cute! It's amazing how time flies and all that happens in between, isn't it?
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