Where has 7 years gone? I remember the day that Abby came into this world(what mom wouldnt right?). She wanted

to come about 3 weeks earlier but the doctor wouldnt let her-but she still decided to come 3 weeks before her actual due date. That's my girl! Abby is on her own agenda! She has a mind of her own. She wanted to get started on her life! Things to do!

We always knew

(somehow)that one day we'd have a baby girl. While David & I were dating we would always talk about naming her Abigail...we didnt know why-we just knew.
Then when the doctor forgot to announce what we actually had...David so gently whispered in my ear "Ang, it's Abigail Rose-we have our baby girl"
My heart leaped! What a beautiful baby(even though she had a slight cone head due to the sucction they had to use to get her out) :)
Now 7 years later I look back & see how God is beginning to grow her into this incredible girl. Everyday I think "wow"...I know that she is going to do amazing things in her life. When we sit & read the Bible together daily, Abby challenges me, she asks questions that I would never even think to ask about God. She wants to learn, she wants to do His will, she desires to love Him.
We went through a few weeks of her not saying "I love you" to either of us(not even David)...we would say it to her everyday & wonder why she wouldnt respond...we prayed, we questioned...is she confused about love? Abby is very deep. During our times of prayer about this we realized that Love is an important word. You shouldnt just say "I love chocolate" ...yes, I REALLY like chocolate, but how can I put "I love you" and "I love chocolate" together? They mean two different things...Erwin McManus talks about this in his book "Soul Cravings"...get this book-it's a great read...so we asked God to calm our worries...to let us just LOVE her regardless if we heard it back or not...we patiently waited, loved, kept telling her that we loved her...and then she asked "how do I know if I really love someone?"
Woooo, her deep mind took her to a place, where if she wasnt sure about love then she didnt want to say it...she didnt want to just say it and wonder if she really meant it.
Well, one would normally be concerned about this...but God reminded David & I both that one day, we don't want her to just say "I love you" to anyone...yes, she is commanded to "love everyone" but to give her heart fully to express "love" is slightly different. I want Abby to carefully think about who she loves...who she one day will give herself to (future husband).
It's beautiful actually...I then started to enjoy her "time of searching"...we didnt push her, we just loved & waited...
Last night for the first time in a long time, Abby said" I love you mom & dad"...David & I both melted. I know that love is not about "hearing the words back" and getting your fill from someone, but wow did it feel good to hear her say it. And I could see in her eyes that she truly meant it-it wasnt just a response...it was from her heart.
Thank you God for my beautiful, amazing Abigail! She teaches me everyday...
Happy Birthday Abby!