Tuesday, March 06, 2007


What an amazing weekend we had at the retreat! I can not express what it was fully like because God just plain rocked my world! It is beyond complete expression in words..I will try.
We had 28 women who came out & were even early & anxious to get the weekend rolling! We started out just meeting & socializing with one another enjoying fellowship...then Colleen started to speak. Our focus was on John 15. These verses are ones that I have read time & time again, but God revealed more in His words than ever before. Remain In Him. Remain In Him. Apart from Him we can do NOTHING!!!!!
Yes, I do my bible studies, but are they on a regular basis? No.
Yes, I pray, but do I think about Him throughout my busy day? No.
Am I ready to be hated because of my faith. I'm not sure.
Am I going to follow the call of loving others unconditionally? Well, I hope so. But do I? Not all the time.
I realized that I need to stop saying that I'm going to spend time in Christ, I'm just going to DO IT! I need to do it. It is the only way that I will survive this Life...praise God the last two mornings I have woken up 15 minutes earlier than my alarm clock to spend time with my Heavenly Father...I give Him all the glory. He is passionate about me. He is passionate about spending time with me. How amazing is that? The God of the universe wants to spend time with ME! With me. An imperfect person, who disappoints Him daily.Wow!
What an amazing God we have!
So in saying all of that, I realized that I need to give Him more of me. Remain In Him, Love others, go & share about His love without worry or being afraid.
Many of the women expressed what God was revealing to them...a lot of the same things...some addictions that they needed to rid themselves of, some sins they needed to surrender...the list goes on....
It was beautiful to see my fellow sisters in Christ coming together uplifting one another in pray & accountability.
Praise God I even set up a blog for everyone that went on the retreat to post what God is continuing to do...I just set it up this morning & the posts are coming in left & right!
Thank you Jesus for your word in John...may we continue to Remain in You...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loved the time i was there as well. I would like to get on that blog, but for some reason the e-mail you sent me didn't work.
Lisa Stoddard