Saturday, April 29, 2006
too pooped to post
well after a long week of shooting the movie I am too tired to update right now...but I will say that I have had an amazing week...God sure knows how to surprise and provide! I'll post all about it are my two favorite words that I heard on set..."Action" and "Cut"...I never thought I'd have the opportunity to hear those words...thank you God for this chance to "reach Hollywood"!!!!More to come...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What do spiderman and I have in common?

What do Spiderman and I have in common?
We are both in the upcoming Spiderman 3 movie!!!!!!!
That's right folks, a couple of weeks ago I went to a casting call in downtown Cleveland and auditioned for an extra role for the new movie that will be in theaters in 2007! When I went for the casting call I truly never thought that out of over 3,000 + people that I would be selected...not only that, but I was of the few that got chosen to work all week long! Around 3pm this afternoon I got a phone call from a number I didnt recognize and when the casting director said who she was, I couldnt contain myself! I acted all cool and collective on the phone but as soon as I hung up I was jumping up and down! I guess they are starting to transform Cleveland to look like downtown Manhattan and we are filming bright and early Saturday morning(6am!)
I will be getting another phone call tomorrow night for all of the details(where to go & what I'll be doing)all I know so far is that I have to come in business attire and bring along 2 other business fun!
I've always wanted to be a part of something movie like-call me crazy but to me it is so fun to watch and be a part of a production-but Spiderman? Wow, I would have been happy to just watch them film it, but now I'm actually going to make it on the big screen...! Maybe Spidey will even save me from a tall burning building!
I'll post more later about my adventures in film...maybe I can even take a few photos to share...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
What have you done for me lately?
When we moved from Kent to Medina I was so excited to see where God was going to place us. I knew where our house would be but I'm talking about where as in "people placement". I love the idea of meeting new people and shining God's light in new ways...over the two years that we've been here we have met and tried our best to embrace people the way that God would want us to. The problem was that they werent real responsive. We invited them to baseball games, ladies get-togethers and stuff like that but many times we were turned down. "God,(I prayed) I thought this was the place you have put me...why is this reaching stuff not working?"
After being frusturated and down about not connecting the way that we had hoped I realized that Jesus had the same problem. Not everyone followed him, not everyone believed, not everyone treated him kindly. But he never gave up. He just loved. He just listened.
We never were the "turn or burn" type christians that constantly harrassed people with their fate...but I do want people to know that we are different. I want them to wonder who we are and why we are the way that we are...DO THEY...? Do they see a difference? I don't know. I hope so. I pray so.
Then God reminded me that it is not always in the big stuff that people see Jesus. It is in the everyday life. The small & short conversations about nothing that they see our sparkle in our eyes, it's the way that we love within our's our life. So as the idea of moving and leaving Medina comes to light-I often ask"what have I done for you lately?"
So today as we were playing outside...I just loved. I just listened. My friend Emily had a great post about loving people and looking for opportunities to love...she & her husband Matt nailed it. The listened with God's heart and acted upon his what Emily said below...
::An Easter Visit::
We came home from vacation to a bare fridge and empty cupboards. Aunt Ally came to play with Addelyne so Matt and I headed out to the grocery store. We hate paying high prices for food, so we shop at Marc's and Aldi's. We avoid, Tops, Giant Eagle, and, God forbid, Buehler's at all costs!
After a 12 hour drive home from Hilton Head, we opted for Aldi's because it was closest. We quickly circled the store, filling up our cart with vegetables, fruit, meat, and several staple items. The checkout lines were long and so I had plenty of time to people watch. I quickly settled on the woman and her daughter in front of us. The woman looked weary, older than her age, and beaten down by life. Her daughter was inquisitive, friendly and boisterous. The woman had a handful of items in her cart and I saw her pull out a warn wallet and thumb through a few crumpled bills. She looked from the groceries to her wallet and I could see her mentally adding up the total in her head.
My heart broke.
She had $16 to spend and had to choose several things to put back from her meager selection. I looked at Matt pleadingly. We didn't know what to do because we didn't want to hurt her pride or offend her. But my heart wouldn't allow inaction. As she was leaving the store, I asked the cashier to ring the items she couldn't pay for--juice and several packs of lunch meat. My heart pounded as I approached her and handed her the groceries. How would she react?
She looked at me incredulously and said, "You bought these for me?" She was so appreciative. I nodded and smiled; words weren't necessary and, even if I could have found the right ones, they would have been overwhelmed by tears.
I bit my lip until we got outside, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Sobs overwhelmed me and I cried on and off the whole way home. Matt's eyes glistened too.
Please, don't read this story and think, "Oh, Matt and Emily are so great." We're not. The times I don't do anything, or worse--I don't even notice--greatly outnumber the moments when God prompts me to act.
I share this story to remind you of God's economy; the whole love your neighbor as yourself thing. We wouldn't need welfare, WIC, Head Start, and the host of other government and state programs if we followed His plan for caring for those who need help.
This passage kept flooding my mind and I'll leave you with its simple, beautiful truth.
Matthew 25:34-4034 Then the King will say to those on the right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'"37 "Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' 40 And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"
May God unexpectedly visit you this Easter!
After being frusturated and down about not connecting the way that we had hoped I realized that Jesus had the same problem. Not everyone followed him, not everyone believed, not everyone treated him kindly. But he never gave up. He just loved. He just listened.
We never were the "turn or burn" type christians that constantly harrassed people with their fate...but I do want people to know that we are different. I want them to wonder who we are and why we are the way that we are...DO THEY...? Do they see a difference? I don't know. I hope so. I pray so.
Then God reminded me that it is not always in the big stuff that people see Jesus. It is in the everyday life. The small & short conversations about nothing that they see our sparkle in our eyes, it's the way that we love within our's our life. So as the idea of moving and leaving Medina comes to light-I often ask"what have I done for you lately?"
So today as we were playing outside...I just loved. I just listened. My friend Emily had a great post about loving people and looking for opportunities to love...she & her husband Matt nailed it. The listened with God's heart and acted upon his what Emily said below...
::An Easter Visit::
We came home from vacation to a bare fridge and empty cupboards. Aunt Ally came to play with Addelyne so Matt and I headed out to the grocery store. We hate paying high prices for food, so we shop at Marc's and Aldi's. We avoid, Tops, Giant Eagle, and, God forbid, Buehler's at all costs!
After a 12 hour drive home from Hilton Head, we opted for Aldi's because it was closest. We quickly circled the store, filling up our cart with vegetables, fruit, meat, and several staple items. The checkout lines were long and so I had plenty of time to people watch. I quickly settled on the woman and her daughter in front of us. The woman looked weary, older than her age, and beaten down by life. Her daughter was inquisitive, friendly and boisterous. The woman had a handful of items in her cart and I saw her pull out a warn wallet and thumb through a few crumpled bills. She looked from the groceries to her wallet and I could see her mentally adding up the total in her head.
My heart broke.
She had $16 to spend and had to choose several things to put back from her meager selection. I looked at Matt pleadingly. We didn't know what to do because we didn't want to hurt her pride or offend her. But my heart wouldn't allow inaction. As she was leaving the store, I asked the cashier to ring the items she couldn't pay for--juice and several packs of lunch meat. My heart pounded as I approached her and handed her the groceries. How would she react?
She looked at me incredulously and said, "You bought these for me?" She was so appreciative. I nodded and smiled; words weren't necessary and, even if I could have found the right ones, they would have been overwhelmed by tears.
I bit my lip until we got outside, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Sobs overwhelmed me and I cried on and off the whole way home. Matt's eyes glistened too.
Please, don't read this story and think, "Oh, Matt and Emily are so great." We're not. The times I don't do anything, or worse--I don't even notice--greatly outnumber the moments when God prompts me to act.
I share this story to remind you of God's economy; the whole love your neighbor as yourself thing. We wouldn't need welfare, WIC, Head Start, and the host of other government and state programs if we followed His plan for caring for those who need help.
This passage kept flooding my mind and I'll leave you with its simple, beautiful truth.
Matthew 25:34-4034 Then the King will say to those on the right, `Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'"37 "Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' 40 And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"
May God unexpectedly visit you this Easter!
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Organized Mess

I havent posted lately because I've been doing alot of out I should say. I've been the organizing queen over the last couple of weeks. Except the funny thing is that my house is a total mess! "How can I be so organized yet so messy?" You ask yourself...well, this goes in this bin, that goes in that bin, this gets thrown away, that gets to go on get the picture? So, if you were to stop at my house right now you'd go"oh my" because that is what I have been saying lately...oh my! An organized mess!
Well, at least it's organized-right?
On a different note, I just celebrated my 32nd birthday, 32! What happened to 16?
We went to dinner with my parents, my in-laws & David's sister Donna. We had the best time. I couldnt have asked for a better present to have both sets of parents there. (they never get together-it's not that they don't like eachother, they just feel strange around eachother)anyway, we laughed the whole night!
David's mom invited everyone to her house for dessert and EVERYONE came...even my was great to sit back and watch everyone interact. I had such a wonderful night!
Oh, and Emily, thanks for my tootsies have never felt soooo soft...I love our birthday tradition! This is an old picture of Isabelle painting her cute little toes...if you look close you'll see Davids toes painted too...hee hee...such a daddy's girl...