Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Are you a Theophilus?
Last night I met with an teen girl who I've known for about 9years. She is a beautiful girl who has always struggled with being "set apart". Now her situation is not a problem of how to be set apart...she really is set apart! She knows her calling from God(as a 16 year old!)and she serves Him in every opportunity that she can. We met and talked for about an hour. She gave me a glimpse of what it is like as a teen girl in 2006. I have to say the issues havent changed much but I've lost touch of what these girls are going thru. It brought me back to my "teen struggles" and it reminded me that I had no one to talk with about them. She told me about a friend of hers who actually said to her mom the other day"I just wish someone would talk to us about sex & purity".
Wow! She desired someone to share with her. To help her deal with her everyday struggles with this! She needed someone to listen. Someone to give her Godly advice. She just needed someone.
Last week I met with a friend who goes around speaking on different subjects and sex is one of them. I met with him hoping that he would give me insight on what to do with my book on this very topic. He encouraged me to get the book edited, send it out to several publishers and pray. He also told me that it had taken him 20 years to get published(yikes) but you know what, I wasnt discouraged...I know God has a plan for this. He also encouraged me to speak. Something I'm not comfortable with but know that God is pushing me towards. So, since my meeting with him I've been praying for opportunities to come up. How? Where? I'm a stay at home mom-who am I going to speak to-my 5 year old? That's a little too soon to share with her about back to my other meeting...this teen girl is having a night of fun, pampering, movies, food & speakers & the topics are on sex & self image...
Man, God is good! She asked me to share my story...share about what God has done for me...share about mistakes I've made and how God has transformed me, share about his mercy, his forgiveness, his love...God is good.
So what does this have to do with "Theophilus" and what is Theophilus you ask?
After this girl and I met, I headed to my bible study. We have been studying the gospel of Luke. In the beginning of the first chapter Luke writes to "his excellent Theophilus".
I thought this was a specific person. Our leader shared that it was not a person at all, it's Hebrew for "lover of God".
Who are lovers of God? Anyone who serves him, loves him & want to do his will. That's me. That's you if you are a believer. Luke is writing this beautiful story of Jesus' life for us! He carefully examined it, studied it & wrote down what he had seen & heard. I feel like this is what God is doing in my life. I've been examining my life, my story and now I'm about to share it with others. So, I'm looking for Theophilus's...Lover's of God...people willing to hear & tell the story of Christ and their own experiences of what God had done for them. As the book of Luke continues throughout the entire book it tells of different people sharing in their stories, sharing in their joys, their sorrows and how God has moved thru them...for chapter 1:39-45 Mary hurries to Elizabeth's house to share in her joy!
Zechariah who was mute for several months after he had found out that he was going to have a son, in verse 67-80 he immediatly praises God & thanks him for his goodness and he runs to share it with others(notice how he didnt complain about being mute?)Another lesson, another time...
So, I'm on a journey to find more people like this. More people who are willing to "serve Him fearlessly" and share the gospel with unbelievers, share with eachother(lovers of God) on what he is doing for them! Are you a Theophilus?
Monday, January 23, 2006
The sun will come out tomorrow!
So last week I saw on television that the movie/musical "Annie" was on so I taped it! Since the 1982 film came out I have always loved it. If you can believe it I even cut my long hair(which came down to my butt)and I got a perm because I secretly wanted to BE Annie...crazy, I know. But my friend & I knew every line to the script, knew all the words to the songs & we would even dress up to look like little orphans. I remember walking thru JCPenny's one day(back in 1982ish)and seeing a red dress just like Annie's and begging my mom to buy it for me...well, I havent seen the movie in several years & I enjoyed sharing it with my daughters. The loved it just as much as I did when I was so little...from that moment on we've been playing "Annie" and David downloaded the songs for us so that we can sing along too!!!What fun it has been!
Then the other day I saw a commercial for Playhouse Square and what play are they putting on in Feb? None other than Annie!!!!
My girls(and myself included) are beside ourselves to think that we are going to see Annie in person(yes, I know that she is just an actress)so David is taking "us girls" on a date in Feb to see the play...I can see it now, David & 3 beautiful girls dressed in red!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Getting my head back together
Okay so I'll admit, I havent posted anything worthy of reading in the last...well, a really long time. My head has been "mush" lately. I now know why. 12 weeks before Thanksgiving I was training for a 4 mile race(I know it's not that BIG of a race but for me who has never ran long distance it was HUGE)and I was eating healthy, making time for my Heavenly Father every morning, and just plain...taking care of my outward & INward self. Well after the big snow storm which did not allow me to run the Thanksgiving race I pretty much stopped running, stopped getting up early to meet my Creator and my eating...well, let's not talk about that! So, a couple of nights ago when I saw my mom who has lost about 80 lbs and is walking everyday...I decided it was time for me to get my head back together again. This morning I woke up(almost at the time I wanted to)and I had some serious face time...confessed to God that I had been spoiled in my "loving sleep too much" and not waking in time for our morning sad. Jesus just wants me to meet him, face to face. To chat with Him. To pursue Him. He desires intimacy with me. To speak to me. It's beautiful really. A God who created the whole earth, wants to talk with ME? Amazing...yet, I don't make time for him...
It was nice to sit with Him this morning...Just the two of us. I am looking forward to our meeting throughout the day when I call on Him or when He reminds me of His love thru my little girls sweet kisses, or from the sun coming up, or a uplifting song...I am also looking forward to my time in the morning...Thank you Lord, for loving me...always. And for always allowing me to come back to you...