Change is in the air. I love change. I love seeing the new things that come my way that God brings. At first change is scarey. For some, it is intimidating. Because you don't know what change may bring. For me, change is good. It means I'm moving forward. My life isnt just sitting duck. Right now I'm not certain where God wants us. I feel like he is driving some sort of change within us but I'm not sure where or what exactly that means....
I will wait patiently...and this time I will WAIT upon Him. I will not push my ideas into the scenario...I will alow Him to do the changing. In chapter 23 of "Purpose Driven Life" Rick Warren speaks on how we grow. God did not intend for us to remain children. He intended us to grow, to mature, to develop the characteristics of Jesus Christ. "To be like Christ you must develop the mind of CHrist. The New Testament calls this mental shift repentance, which in Greek literally means "to change your mind". You repent whenever you change the way you think by adopting how God thinks-about yourself, sin, God, other people, life, your future, and everything else. You take on Christ's outlook and perspective. Philippians 2: 5 says" ...think the same way that Christ Jesus thought..."
During these times of change for us I want to "think the same way that Jesus thought" I want my desires to be put aside and I want His desires to be placed in my heart.
Change is good.
Godly change is even better.
Especially if your walking in His will and not your own.
Change is such a tricky issue, isn't it? I think it is one of the most challenging things for people to learn to deal with. In grad school, they taught us this saying, "until the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change, one remains the same." It is so true! God has certainly taught me a ton about change and flexibility through this year. It's not always fun, but the growth is always rewarding!
I like finding spare change in my pants pocket.
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