Yesterday was Emily's birthday. So this morning I took her to a salon for a little pampering. She is a new mom & I thought she'd enjoy a little time for herself...well, actually, I went with her...I needed some mommy time too(and some friend time).So we got our nails done(since we both bite them).Yes, Stumpy got filed, buffed & polished.(for those of you that don't know, I named one of my fingers "Stumpy" because it is my favorite to bite & it literally looks like a stump because it is so short-gross, I know). My goal is to stop my childhood habit!!!! The girl doing my nails suggested that I come in every week to have my nails done, so that I can take better care of them & to help break the habit-yeah, okay, like I have the time or the money for that...so, Em & I agreed that we need at least a once every couple months "pampering" and friend time(it might not be every week but it's better then never. )This was only my 2nd manicure in my 31 years of exsistence...
Anyway, we had a great time & then headed to a scrapbooking store & bought a couple of things on sale. It was a fun morning spending time with you Emmy! And even though your feet hurt you looked so adorable!!!!I love ya!Happy B-day yesterday!
And Dave & I get made fun of for playing with Yoda, eh?
Hey Angie,
I just wanted to say thank you. A few days/weeks/whatevers ago, you posted something in my comments section about how God longs to be loved in just the same way we long to be loved.
Well, I finally figured out what that meant, and last night I had one of the best times of prayer that I've had in a long time. You know those cheezy movies where romantic music is playing and the lovers are running across a field towards each other? It was kind of like that, except for real, and not cheezy.
So I wanted to say thank you for bringing that to my attention. It was truly something God wanted me to think about and realize.
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