Sunday, April 20, 2008


Time seems to be going so quickly. I can't stand it. I just want life to somehow s...l....o....w down. It won't. Since I've started working 7 weeks ago I just feel like life is just passing me by. Somehow, somehow I need to savor the moments. The time with my kids, the time with David(which seems like "hello" then "goodbye" anymore) seems so quick, so rushed all the time.

I need to look at each opportunity & just take a Remember it, enjoy it, savor it. Love each short minute with each person that I love in my family, my friends.

My girls will be going to school next year(that is "outside" of our house-I've been homeschooling for the last 2 years) so on every day off that I get I just like to play (well, when school is done for the day). We play star wars, play-doh, Narnia, littlest pet shop, dress up, lions...whatever the girls imagine, we play.

I have to enjoy this time. Even though inside I am soooo tired, and soooo ready to just fall asleep, or I'm starting to think about all the housework I have to do, I just have to remind myself to just PLAY. Play hard. Love my time right in this moment.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Straight up now tell me

This afternoon over lunch, we started talking about "future husbands". Isabelle who is now 5 says "I really wish that I could marry Daddy!"
" I know sweetie, he is the best isnt he?" I replied.
" Yes, I just want my husband to be JUST like him" she says back with a huge smile.
" Well, why don't we start praying for your future husband to be JUST like your Daddy..someone who loves God, who is kind & gentle."
"Okay. "

At this point I thought the conversation was over...then we start talking about American Idol. They watched it for the first time with David the other night & they are now hooked. (David Archuletta is their favorite).
Then Isabelle says "Mom, I wouldnt want to marry someone like that mean guy on that singing show" she paused then continued," I wish I was a boy then I would marry that nice girl"
"Which nice girl are you talking about?" I asked her.
"The one who always says the nice things" she replied.
"Oh you mean Paula!"
"Yes, I wish I was a boy so that I could marry Paula!"

That's right folks, my daughter wants to marry Paula Abdul.