Time seems to be going so quickly. I can't stand it. I just want life to somehow s...l....o....w down. It won't. Since I've started working 7 weeks ago I just feel like life is just passing me by. Somehow, somehow I need to savor the moments. The time with my kids, the time with David(which seems like "hello" then "goodbye" anymore) seems so quick, so rushed all the time.
I need to look at each opportunity & just take a picture...click. Remember it, enjoy it, savor it. Love each short minute with each person that I love in my life....my family, my friends.
My girls will be going to school next year(that is "outside" of our house-I've been homeschooling for the last 2 years) so on every day off that I get I just like to play (well, when school is done for the day). We play star wars, play-doh, Narnia, littlest pet shop, dress up, lions...whatever the girls imagine, we play.
I have to enjoy this time. Even though inside I am soooo tired, and soooo ready to just fall asleep, or I'm starting to think about all the housework I have to do, I just have to remind myself to just PLAY. Play hard. Love my time right in this moment.