Yep. Influenza struke our entire household this past week. Aches, chills, fevers of 103 was common among us all. We are finally starting to feel better-if you call having a harsh cough better. It literally took us like 6 days to get over this nasty flu.
But now we are ready to roll again. School is back in session & housework is being done. Fun, fun fun!
While we were all sick we celebrated Isabelle's 5th birthday on Feb. 26th!
It seems like just yesterday that she was born.
She has made our lives such joy since she's been a part of our family. She adds a lot of humor & laughs into our everday routines. She really knows how to make you smile just when you need it. I love how Isabelle crawls into bed with me on Saturdays & gets really, really close to my face & says"Goodmorning beautiful mommy"
And her bright smile just lights you up inside!
Isabelle has such a gentle kindness to her. She always notices when someone is in need. And she will immediatly fill whatever need at any moment!
She is learning everyday & growing up before my eyes.
The other day we were looking at the "Isabelle book"(the scrapbook I made her of her life so far)and it was such fun to watch her expressions as we turned the pages. She has been a blessing from God since day one & I can't wait to see what God is going to do in this amazing girl's life!
Happy Birthday my sweet Isabelle!