Even though our schedules have been depleted(due to realizing that life is too short to be soooo busy-we have a "less stressed-less busy" policy in the Smith household). I was noticing how I was becoming one of those moms that had their child in EVERY activity...and I was recognizing other moms pressuring me to do so...So, after I killed SuperMom(read my "Velvet Elvis" post if you have no idea what I'm talking about)we decided that we needed to slow our lives down & only commit to what is truly important to us. With all THAT said, there has been a lot of activity over here & I'm going to catch up & fill you in on what's been going on...
David has been crazy busy with his job!Praise God! This is the time of year that things should be slow for him but God has been giving him job after job...he still works from home & loves it, and he is working on several "life" changes(instead of resolutions)where he is starting to hear God's voice directing him in life...He is the best dad ever, he gives so much of himself for us girls in his life...I'm proud of him everyday...
My in-laws are now living with us as of Dec 2nd...things couldnt be better! Praise the Lord we have really enjoyed our time with them...we have a contractor working on their living space, as we speak & it should be finished within 4-6 weeks or sooner! We thank God everyday for orchestrating this whole thing so beautifully with both houses selling, the moving of both our families, emotions & His Timing...beautiful...beautiful...beautiful...
Abby is doing amazing at homeschooling. We both really enjoy it, even though sometimes she says" Ahh mom, can't I just play today?" She is excelling in her courses learning about History all over the globe, Math(including Geometry already, Reading(which she is at a 1st grade level) & Language Arts(which is her favorite because she get to not only read but act out what she's learned). Her teacher(whom we have only talked to on the phone)said that she is doing great & she could move on to 1st grade early if we wanted.Abby performed in her very first play this Christmas where she got to be an angel bringing the good news of Jesus' birth. She loved learning her lines & dressing up as the Angel. She is an example of gentle kindness daily as she cares for those in our family...if someone gets hurt, she is there to aid in ANY way she can...from silly faces, to kleenex or bandaids...Abby is right on top of it...she has a very gentle & kind spirit.
Isabelle amazes me everyday with her heart & sense of humor. She loves our kitty, Winner & takes such good care of her. Lately I have found her to be a genius at organizing...seriously, I don't know where she got this from, but she makes a point everynight to organize her toys for the next day. It is adorable to watch her at work! She loves to play games on the computer while Abby & I are doing school. She has great ideas about everything & anything...she loves to share her toys & everytime she gets something new she automatically gives part of it to her big sissy...she has a very generous heart...
I have been loving my new position as a teacher. It is not as difficult as I was worried that it would be. Props out to Ohio Virtual Academy for their amazing system that makes teaching easy & fun for both student & teacher!
I had the opportunity to Assistant Direct a Christmas play at VCA this past year. It was fun watching the kids come to life as they learned their lines & movements...this is something I hadnt done for quite some time, so it was wonderful to be a part of it.
I am still singing with our church band at Mosaic.(check it out www.Mosaicneo.com) I love it every week! This is also something that I hadnt done in many years, so what a blessing it has been to serve in this way! Our band rocks! There are so many talented people in it! And we just plain love to worship together! I am, like David working on some "life" changes this year. And I'm proud to post that I have conquered my first thing....hold on to your seats everybody...I no longer bite my nails!!!!!!!!This might sound funny but it has been a serious problem with me, my whole life-so this is HUGE for me. One day, I was just plain sick of my gross looking hands...so I stopped. Praise the Lord for giving me the self control that I needed...one down...many more life changes to go...(updates as they come)
I also just started mentoring a young women at our church where we meet every other week. It has been a wonderful experience to get to know her, pray for her & just live life with her...we are having a blast together!
My book is still in production & I'm starting to see that God wants me to write more to it...I guess there is more to my story that I didnt tell yet, so we'll see what God leads me to say...I'm NOT giving up on this story...it's too important to tell. When my friend Joy took me to Bethel College with her to speak on purity & relationships I realized that there were many girls in my shoes & they needed to be reached...I have been chatting with some of these girls via e-mail & they've shared with me some things that I might include in my book of things girls struggle with. On that note, I'm not finished yet...and I won't stop until it's done!
Other updates: Spiderman 3 comes out in theaters May 5th(so excited-I can't wait to see the scenes that we shot)
I've gotten a few phone calls to audition for other movies(but the audition was in CA-so you can imagine my disapointment) I just know that I'm needed right here, right now & if that is something God has for me, he will provide a way later too...so one day...but I did tell my casting director to inform me of any other projects in Cleveland...more & more movies are being shot there...
So that is it in a nutshell...some ups, some downs, some crashes, some falls, some mistakes, some successes(if I can spell that word-lol)but overall, thankfullness...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
I love my family!

I came across these pictures & just had to post them! I have the most adorable daughters in the world!!!!They light up my life everyday...and they keep me on my toes too! I always knew that being a mom would be the best...but I had no idea what that actually looked like....now I know. Pure Joy!
Yes, there are times when I want to ring both of their necks but beyond those moments...pure joy! I love how they call me "momma" still, I love how they always cheer me up, I love how Isabelle organizes her room, I love how Abby smiles & makes me laugh, I love how Isabelle hugs me and says" I can't let go of this mommy"
I love my family.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Happy Birthday

We have known eachother for almost an entire lifetime...when I look back at your life I remember some wonderfully fond memories... when you were only 11 years old rollerskating at Skate 8, smiling as you glided by(I thought you were cute then too), I remember when my mom would tell me that you were coming over to have dinner with us & she would say"One day you'll marry that David"(I could have only dreamt she'd be right), I remember the many times you'd come to play with my older brother & you would always come to my rescue when he was mean to me, I remember when we were both signed up for the same karate class & how we stood next to eachother in our gee's, I remember you sitting next to me in youth group playing with my long hair, I remember you walking into a party with your striped baggy pants & muscle shirt(wooo you looked hot)I remember you asking me to a Michael W. Smith concert(as friends)and how long it took me to figure out what to wear, I remember the kiss on my forehead, I remember you sitting under the stars telling me for the first time how much you cared about me all of these years, I remember sitting on my parents couch when you told me that you loved me & wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, I remember your face as I walked down the aisle, I remember holding your hand & you smiling at me as you so gently told your vows to me, I remember your sweet voice telling me to breathe as our first & second daughters were born, and I remember your face how it lit up as you held each of them, I remember eating late at night watching movies & laughing uncontrollably with you...I look back and know that I am truly blessed...I have married my best friend, I can't imagine life without you David. Thank you for being who you are & for loving me so unconditionally throughout the years. I love being your wife, your friend & your pal. Thank you for being such an amazing dad & husband...you lift me up everyday! I pray that you have a wonderful birthday & I look forward to spending many, many, MANY more with you...
Monday, January 01, 2007

This is my church. We have been attending Mosaic for almost 2 years now & we love it! My kids LOVE it! I am so glad that we have found a church that we can call home. We were beginning to wonder if we were ever going to find it. Mosaic's motto (if you want to call it that)is "To live by faith, to be a voice of Hope and to be known by our Love"
I love this! What a perfect description of how the church should look. All too often churchs are not living this way & many get fed up with the idea of "church" because of it.
No church is perfect. But I'm glad that our leaders at Mosaic are striving to model our church the way Jesus would want..."To live by faith, to be a voice of Hope & to be known by our Love".
Last night we had about 14 people from Mosaic over for a last minute New Years Bash(thanks Kim for volunteering our home!)It was great. We ate & ate, laughed, played crazy games & just plain enjoyed eachothers company. This is what Jesus would want us to do as a community of believers. Enjoy life, eat together, laugh, share in eachothers lives, encourage one another...did I say Eat already? Live life together.
I'm excited to see where 2007 brings us. We already have some amazing things lined up for Mosaic. I am co-hosting a women's retreat this March & I can't wait to see what God is going to do to change & encourage women's hearts.
On a personal note, David & I have some ideas of how we are going to change this year. Yes, a couple physical ways, but mostly spiritual. We also have many, Many, MANY things on our LIFE checklist that we want to accomplish...updates to come...
So, Happy New YEar one & all. I pray God reveals many, Many, MANY things to your LIFE checklist this upcoming year...