Christmas was so fun. We enjoyed the semi-warm, sunny weather. I made my very first turkey dinner(with my mother-in-laws assistance)(and by the way, it came out great!)We had our dear friends Dan & Jen, Brian & Leslie, Kevin & Missy over for a spontaneous get together that lasted all night until wee hours of the morning(4am!!!). They taught me how to play Idiot Poker(because I'm too much of an idiot to learn the REAL Poker I guess-hee hee) We sang worship songs while Jen & Dave played guitar, we talked about our upcoming Hawaii trip(okay maybe not upcoming, but next Christmas) Yippee!!! We spent wonderful time with both our families, eating & laughing uncontrollably. We told the kids the christmas story & acted out the events to remind them the true meaning of christmas(we do this every chrismas morning). And we spent time just chilling out from our last few months of craziness...beyond the whirlwind it has been & the trying times, God has continued to reveal himself to us...thru an answered prayer, a unexpected phone call, an unexpected guest at christmas time, honesty spoken & also thru the words of my child.
Thank you Father for the love of friends & family, thank you for laughter in the midst of pain, thank you for your undeniable love, guidance, and patience with me...I know that I am not as faithful to you as I should be but I can't imagine my life without you...I love living life for you...remind me daily to do this more & that I can continue to see your face thru everyday life, your creation that surrounds me & thru those that I encounter daily...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Velvet Elvis
I just finished a book that my pastor had recommended me reading for over a year now...The book is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
At first I was like "what could this book really be about-he is just rambling on & on..."
Then he got to the point, the big point. Actually "points".
We as Christians are so up on becoming a christian then living the good, easy way, God actually said it would not be easy...many of us struggle daily with everyday, everything and don't really admit anyone, especially our brothers & sisters in Christ. Well, I'm sick of the game! Yes, that's right, sick of it. Let's get real. Let's get personal, let's get down right dirty and clean up our junk!
Over the years, I have played the role of SUPERMOM...well, I'm not. And I'm tired of this role. In Bell's book he states,"I meet so many people who have superwhater rattling around in their head. They have this person convinced they are supposed to be, and their superwhatever is killing them. They have this image they picked up over the years of how they are supposed to look and act and work and play and talk, and it's like a voice that never stops shouting in their ear.
And the only way to not be killed by it is to shoot first.
Yes, that is what I meant to write.
You have to kill your superwhater."
So, I shot. SUPERMOM is gone. I can't do it all, I can't BE it all...and I'm okay with that. Sometimes I need help...and I'm gonna start asking for it. My mother in law(who is now living with us)keeps saying things like "why don't you put up more decorations on the house...around the house, on the deck..." And I am simply not even fazed by it...normally I would have hurried to content her, hurried to make all perfect, hurried to please...nope, not any more. SUPERMOM is dead. I don't have time to do more decorating...that's not what this season is about anyway. I am doing just fine with what I AM doing. And that is loving my kids, my husband, my family, my friends, reaching out to my neighbors, being a child of God, homeschooling my daughter...the list goes all of the other "stuff" that I THINK is important, really is not. I can't do it all. And I am finally at peace with this "new idea".
SUPERMOM has left the building.
At first I was like "what could this book really be about-he is just rambling on & on..."
Then he got to the point, the big point. Actually "points".
We as Christians are so up on becoming a christian then living the good, easy way, God actually said it would not be easy...many of us struggle daily with everyday, everything and don't really admit anyone, especially our brothers & sisters in Christ. Well, I'm sick of the game! Yes, that's right, sick of it. Let's get real. Let's get personal, let's get down right dirty and clean up our junk!
Over the years, I have played the role of SUPERMOM...well, I'm not. And I'm tired of this role. In Bell's book he states,"I meet so many people who have superwhater rattling around in their head. They have this person convinced they are supposed to be, and their superwhatever is killing them. They have this image they picked up over the years of how they are supposed to look and act and work and play and talk, and it's like a voice that never stops shouting in their ear.
And the only way to not be killed by it is to shoot first.
Yes, that is what I meant to write.
You have to kill your superwhater."
So, I shot. SUPERMOM is gone. I can't do it all, I can't BE it all...and I'm okay with that. Sometimes I need help...and I'm gonna start asking for it. My mother in law(who is now living with us)keeps saying things like "why don't you put up more decorations on the house...around the house, on the deck..." And I am simply not even fazed by it...normally I would have hurried to content her, hurried to make all perfect, hurried to please...nope, not any more. SUPERMOM is dead. I don't have time to do more decorating...that's not what this season is about anyway. I am doing just fine with what I AM doing. And that is loving my kids, my husband, my family, my friends, reaching out to my neighbors, being a child of God, homeschooling my daughter...the list goes all of the other "stuff" that I THINK is important, really is not. I can't do it all. And I am finally at peace with this "new idea".
SUPERMOM has left the building.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Photo Time!!!

Every year we try to get a christmas picture of our family so that I can send them in our christmas cards...for some reason this year was more difficult than in the was quite entertaining to watch Isabelle & Abby as we "set up" the photo. Isabelle would suddenly get mad & make this hilarious angry face & Abby would suddenly break out into giggles galore!!!! Then she'd fall to the ground(messing up her hair & the pose)...after some bribing we finally got them to sit still for 2 seconds to take the picture...the event reminds me of several movies that show these families pretending to be happy just long enough for the was funny actually living the moment & forcing the girls to look happy...hee hee...well, we got them giggling & we really were happy in the end...but wow! I look forward to the many years of christmas pictures with my family(imagine the teenage years-"MOM, this is soooo stupid"-"Do I have to do this?")
Yep, I'm gonna make them then too...and you WILL LIKE IT!!!Hee hee....
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Holiday Fun

After we settled into our house a bit we decided it was time to find a Christmas tree. We ventured to a new tree farm(new to us, at least)and found the perfect tree. It was a great, family owned business in Peninsula that gave you a sled as you searched for your tree. We had more fun & spent more time sledding then looking for a tree! After about an hour of sledding we finally decided that a pre-cut tree was just fine(we were too cold to keep looking). Then we got cozy by the outdoor fireplace at the farm! We has a blast & will return next year for sure!
Then last night we went to see David's uncle(who lives in Cleveland)he puts on a huge display of lights on his home where people come thru to see it. The girls were in awe at all of the lights & christmas put us all in the holiday spirit! With everything going on with the move we have all been a bit tired & busy to stop and think about christmas...we are ready now! This year I really want it to be more about Jesus' birth more than anything else(my daughter keeps reminding me"It's not about how the house looks mom-it's about Jesus!"...and she is sooooo right)So I decided to listen to my 6 year old & slow down the season, and think more about it's meaning instead of the stuff that clutters it...
Even after saying all of that, we still had fun tonight decorating our first Gingerbread house....what a blast! And the girls did great! It came out beautiful!