I love what my pastor said last night at church..."if the apostle Paul were with us right now and we asked him how we need to reach people for Christ he would probably say 'just go'"
It doesnt matter how you win people's hearts over to Christ it's just that you do it! If your way is by sharing the gospel with words, or by actions or by love in how you live your life then do it! Just go! Don't worry about the how...just go!
I'm so excited about this in my life...I know that I need to "go" more often. I need to share Christ more often & love more often & reach out more often...I don't need some HUGE Life changing drop everything event to get me there...I need to "go" now! I need to love my neighbor NOW...I need to reach out and hug NOW....I need to GO now....I keep thinking about our new neighborhood and how it will be fun to start over with a new batch of people to reach out to...but it's funny because I've almost forgot about the ones around me-right NOW...right here...Lord, remind me of the lost right here in my backyard...show me creative ways to love & to share you with them...I want to "Go" now for you...starting today...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
My story
It's amazing how God uses your life...your faults, your mistakes, your past sins to bless someone else when you FULLy give your life over to him.
I never imagined in a millioin gazillion years that I would be admitting my past to anyone...especially to someone that I didnt really know very well.
A new friend of mine at our church who is a new believer told me that she was "living in sin". She laughed but I think she really felt convicted for the types of things that were in her life. She asked my opinion.(Which amounts to not much of anything in my eyes)but I gave her my opinion. I told her that I would love to meet with her sometime to chat about my story and fill her in on how God changed my life.
So, today we met before I had band rehearsal and we walked around and around the church building just talking. She was almost speechless. Her eyes welled with tears. She was moved by MY story... Yes, I wish I had made better choices in my past but I am so thankful that God is able to use me regardless of my faults and sin. I think I see why it is important to open up to those around us. To just let go of our inhabitions...you never know who you will bless or who you will be blessed by...thank you Lord for forgiving my sins and for giving me the strength that I needed to speak your truths...
I never imagined in a millioin gazillion years that I would be admitting my past to anyone...especially to someone that I didnt really know very well.
A new friend of mine at our church who is a new believer told me that she was "living in sin". She laughed but I think she really felt convicted for the types of things that were in her life. She asked my opinion.(Which amounts to not much of anything in my eyes)but I gave her my opinion. I told her that I would love to meet with her sometime to chat about my story and fill her in on how God changed my life.
So, today we met before I had band rehearsal and we walked around and around the church building just talking. She was almost speechless. Her eyes welled with tears. She was moved by MY story... Yes, I wish I had made better choices in my past but I am so thankful that God is able to use me regardless of my faults and sin. I think I see why it is important to open up to those around us. To just let go of our inhabitions...you never know who you will bless or who you will be blessed by...thank you Lord for forgiving my sins and for giving me the strength that I needed to speak your truths...
Monday, July 17, 2006
Summer, summer, summer Time(sing like Will Smith when you read this)
I love summer! I love the heat! I love the sun(yah, no rain today)!The girls and I have been spending the days of summer just resting at the pool(or jacuzzi-that is)and what fun we have been having...sometimes I just watch them play & laugh at their cute little sun bathed bodies or sometimes I just lay by the pool and read a book...ahhhh the life...
Last night after church we took them to their first drive-in movie. They couldnt believe the movie screen was Outside...Isabelle kept saying in this adorable voice"The movie is OUTSIDE? What? That is sooooo silly!"
We had such a blast! Summer, summer summertime...summertime....la la la la la la la....summertime(I really don't know any other words)
So, go enjoy the hot days of summer-and be sure to sing that song everywhere you go....
Last night after church we took them to their first drive-in movie. They couldnt believe the movie screen was Outside...Isabelle kept saying in this adorable voice"The movie is OUTSIDE? What? That is sooooo silly!"
We had such a blast! Summer, summer summertime...summertime....la la la la la la la....summertime(I really don't know any other words)
So, go enjoy the hot days of summer-and be sure to sing that song everywhere you go....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Legend of the Tooth Fairy

For several weeks now Abigail has had a loose tooth...actually she has a couple that are loose. We have been explaining to her about how she will one day grow "big girl teeth" and she thinks that is sooooo cool! Well, one tooth, which seemed like overnight, decided it would get really really wiggly...and the next morning it came out...she jumped for joy! She also knew that this meant she would get some sum of money provided by the tooth fairy.
I found a cute story about the tooth fairy from the internet and so that night we read it together to find out how this tooth fairy started her business taking little children's teeth in the middle of the night...after reading the story Abby says to David"Dad, how much does the tooth fairy leave for kids anyway?"
He told her that back when he was her age it was only like one dollar...but he was certain that since economy is up that she would leave more these days...Abby thought for a moment..."hmmm..." she said looking at her ceiling and playing with her gums...as David began to leave she said" Dad, I know you & mommy are the tooth fairies...I just like to pretend with you"
She paused again in deep thought.
"So how much are you gonna give me?" she questioned.
David smiled & replied" I don't know-I'll have to ask the other tooth fairy"
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Important family member has major surgery!!!!

It was a sad day at our house the day one of our own had to have major surgery...screams rang thourghout the house before the incident happened...my heart stopped thinking the worst was happening...tears flowed like big rain drops and emotions all over the place...our beloved Dottie has lost her tail!
For those of you that don't know Dottie personally...she has been part of our family for 3 1/2 years. She is Isabelle's favorite stuffed animal, but she is so much more than that, she is a blankie, a snuggler, a best friend. She never leaves Isa's side.
When it happened Isabelle screamed soooo loud that I thought SHE had been hurt...nope, she had just accidentally pulled off Dottie's tail(she rubs Dottie's tail and over time is has been slowly coming off)
I had to perform major surgery and Quick!!!!
After playing Doctor I was told that I was the best mom ever!!!(Smile-motherhood is so great-you can be so many things for your child-I guess "Surgeon" is one of them)
And by the way, Dottie is doing great...she's going to be just fine!