Ever since my Spiderman movie my daughters have been "Spidey" crazy. They both used to be afraid of the man in red tights, now they think he is the coolest hero around. We even found them spiderman costumes so they can play the movie. Well, this morning Abby was coloring Spiderman and she said to me, "Mom, I love Spiderman, when you do your next movie with him can you give him this picture that I colored?"
It's funny because she thinks that Spidey and I are tight...it got me thinking(I know that's dangerous when I start thinking)but how awesome would it be for them to think that I am so tight with the only true hero-the one that took my sin, died on the cross for me so that I can be with Him in Heaven one day-so tight that I go to him daily to read and learn about the type of guy he was-the type of REAL hero he was on this earth & who He is now...hmmm....my kids need to know that my priorities are Christ centered...that I seek Him in good & bad...that I look to HIM to save the day!
Then after this thought Abby turned to me & said, " you know Mom, Jesus is my favorite superhero-he's the best of all of them!"
I guess she had the same thoughts as I did...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
School Time update

Yes...for all of you wondering...yes...Abby is starting school this fall. She is enlisted in the Ohio Virtual Academy and will start at the end of August. The awesome thing is that I just got a call from one of the teachers there & she was so excited to inform me that Abby placed high for her age in the tests that she has been taking...I always knew that she was very smart for her age-but it was really nice that someone outside of our circle agreed. The teacher asked if I would feel comfortable moving Abby to a 1st grade reading & math level...!!!!!!!!
I was speechless. We have always read to Abby from birth-so when all those commercials say "READ to your kids" I guess it really pays off.
Congrats Abby on a job well done!!!!I'm so proud of you! You are going to do great in school!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Transforming our Character
David & I have been attending [o.r] community for the last year or so. It is a church filled with honesty and raw preaching. I love this about our church. We started to get involved pretty fast after we uncovered what the church is about & what their vision is for the future church. This past month we have been reading in the book of Acts. Following the early churches perspective on what "church" looks like. Our pastor asked some hard questions to us a couple sundays ago...
" Are you swimming in a raging sea of Hope & Dreams in your life?"
or "Are you treading in fear"
He used dominos as a visual to represent the choices that we have made that has led us to where we are right now.
"Are my choices changing for God?"
or "Am I in the same place that I was for God-last year"
"Will the cycle ever change for me?"
Each decision we make is based on our character.
Do we have the character traits of God?
Then our paster peeled open a banana...he said" you never wonder what is inside of a banana...because God makes everything with integrity"
What about when you slice open a Christian(just an analogy-otherwise it would be gross)? What is inside? What is their Character?
In the days of the early church they didnt have cool websites, or smart marketing tools to get the word out about their church-the news just spread because God's message of salvation was being heard & people were gettting saved & lives were transformed for Christ!
How simple...yet why havent we (as the church)caught on to this idea?
[o.r] is feeling God's hand moving us to go....well, backward. Pastor Ted is encouraging us to have a Character transformation. With the guide of our church & the community of believers that fill it we are going to look under the hoods of our lives to get inside of our character & weed out the dark spots. Then we are being sent out into the mission field. Now that doesnt mean that we will not spread the news of Christ along the way, but we do need to see where our hearts are & where we are going FOR HIM! I am so excited for this. I know there are places in my life that need weeding out. Places I probably dont even want to visit or expose...but in doing so God will use me & mold me & make me transform for Him.
Imagine...Christ in You.
To have a mind like Christ.
That if we remain in Him, He will remain in us.
Like our pastor said" The shape of our character is the shape of our future"
If you want to hear more about what's happening at [o.r] community check out their website
" Are you swimming in a raging sea of Hope & Dreams in your life?"
or "Are you treading in fear"
He used dominos as a visual to represent the choices that we have made that has led us to where we are right now.
"Are my choices changing for God?"
or "Am I in the same place that I was for God-last year"
"Will the cycle ever change for me?"
Each decision we make is based on our character.
Do we have the character traits of God?
Then our paster peeled open a banana...he said" you never wonder what is inside of a banana...because God makes everything with integrity"
What about when you slice open a Christian(just an analogy-otherwise it would be gross)? What is inside? What is their Character?
In the days of the early church they didnt have cool websites, or smart marketing tools to get the word out about their church-the news just spread because God's message of salvation was being heard & people were gettting saved & lives were transformed for Christ!
How simple...yet why havent we (as the church)caught on to this idea?
[o.r] is feeling God's hand moving us to go....well, backward. Pastor Ted is encouraging us to have a Character transformation. With the guide of our church & the community of believers that fill it we are going to look under the hoods of our lives to get inside of our character & weed out the dark spots. Then we are being sent out into the mission field. Now that doesnt mean that we will not spread the news of Christ along the way, but we do need to see where our hearts are & where we are going FOR HIM! I am so excited for this. I know there are places in my life that need weeding out. Places I probably dont even want to visit or expose...but in doing so God will use me & mold me & make me transform for Him.
Imagine...Christ in You.
To have a mind like Christ.
That if we remain in Him, He will remain in us.
Like our pastor said" The shape of our character is the shape of our future"
If you want to hear more about what's happening at [o.r] community check out their website
Friday, June 02, 2006
lost without my computer
What did we do back in the day when there where no computers? We were probably less stressed and read more-right? Well when we arrived back home from CA we were welcomed with a big computer mess...I am no computer genius but all I know is that we have to wait for this part to come to fix things...in the mean time I'm working off of the lap top(that doesnt have any of my files on it-bummer)so, I will be posting more later when things clear up...maybe I'll go catch up on some reading...