Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sunny California
We are leaving this saturday to visit David's sister in sunny California! Neither of us have been there before and I have always wanted to go! So finally we planned a two week trip. David's sister pretty much has our whole trip planned for us...San Francisco, Pier 39, the big tall trees(Muirwoods)whale watching...I'm so excited to just spend 2wks straight with my family. Since Spiderman I havent seen David much(he's been so busy at work trying to set up being gone for 2 wks.)So we are ready for some good old family time! I'm also excited to just be away. We've had a lot going on around here lately and it will be nice to just get away from everything and everybody. Ahhhh...time to take in some sun!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Reach Hollywood

I'm finally rested up and ready to post my experiences on set of Spiderman 3.
First let me start off with a story about 3 years ago at a youth event. There was this speaker who wanted us to sit and think about God and pray that God would just speak to us about what he wants us to do with our lives & our dreams. I thought and prayed...and nothing. My head is usually so full that it takes alot for me to sit and listen to God. It was just about time and the speaker was ready to continue speaking and I felt like God said"Reach Hollywood".
Okay, random. Where did that come from? What does that have to do with anything? I set the thought aside, thinking it was just my crazy dreams again...
Then the thought would not leave me alone. "Reach Hollywood"...reach Hollywood?
Over the next 3 years since that event I never really knew what that meant. How would I ever make an impact on Hollywood? I don't even live anywhere close to Hollywood...and an acting career now in my life is out of the question...
Then several weeks ago my mom called me and told me about the Spiderman 3 casting call in Downtown Cleveland. At first I wasnt going to go. I was too busy. But the idea of it intriqued me. I really wanted to go! I loved this stuff! It would be so great to be able to be a part of something like that! So off we went. My whole family. We stood in line for about 2 hours. With my photos in hand I truly never thought that out of all of these 4, 000 people that I would get the opportunity to be in a major motion picture.
As the casting directors room got nearer and nearer I prayed..."Lord, you know my heart, you know my dreams, if this is of you please let me get a part in this movie."
We left and the week that I was expecting a call from, the call never came. Then finally 2 days before shooting an unknown number came in on my phone. It was them, I just knew it!
"Angie, hi this is Amanda, one of the casting directors for Spiderman 3-are you still available to work on the film starting this saturday?"
I kept my composure while on the phone then after I hung up, I was jumping up and down out of excitement! I really got in! I couldnt believe it!
The next week was an absolute whirlwind! But let me just say that God provided.
The first day of shooting I had to get up at 4:30am to be downtown by 6am! I had to wear a business suit. I get to be a business woman on the streets of Manhattan. What fun! When I arrived at the road block it was such fun to say, "I'm with the cast" and they gave me a special place to park. My Honda Civic is also in the movie!
I had to wait in line at wardrobe where they gave me a coat to accompany my suit. They asked us to take our seats. I found a seat next to a lady and listened as the directors gave us our instructions. From there we were sent out on the streets of downtown Cleveland (East 9th & Euclid)where the 2nd director(we called him Purple)placed us on set. I was partnered with a lady named Nicky. We quickly got to know one another since we stood there for almost 3 hours before we even starting filming. I guess that's the business..."Hurry up and wait"!
Nicky was born in Malaysia and is 37. She is so beautiful, such amazing features. She models on the side and wanted to do this for fun. We instantly became friends. We were so excited when "Purple" yelled "Action" and we got to walk down the set and continue our conversation. I knew God placed her in my path. The rest of the day no matter what happened Purple kept putting Nicky and I together on set. Or very close to one another. He usually changes your postion but God kept Nicky and I together. We had such a great time. We laughed almost all day!
Before I left that morning I took some time to sit and talk with God. I prayed that somehow God would use me. I wasnt sure how, but I wanted him to help me "reach Hollywood". Whatever that meant, I would find out later, but I wanted him to know that I didnt forget what he whispered in my ear 3 years ago...
The week went on and I continued hanging out with Nicky. We spent many hours talking and laughing. We had alot of down time as the crew re-set different scenes. I also met a guy named Josh. He is from Florida State and is a film student there. The three of us hit it off and we talked a lot. A couple days into filming Josh randomly comes up to me and says"What church do you go to?"
I never told him that I went to church, but he said that he just knew that I was saved! He then shared with me some things that happened to him in the past with this church and how it had turned him off from God. We talked for a long time about forgiveness and how salvation is a gift...
Then I met this girl named Melissa. She was one of those that would do anything to get into acting. We got to know one another...
One morning I came in chewing gum-one of the casting directors (who is a very large man)saw me and said"Do you have gum?"
I quickly spit it out and said"not anymore"(I thought I was in trouble)
He laughed and said"No, do you have some, because I would like a piece?"
Embarrassed, I shared my gum and he said"your Angie Smith-right"
I said yes, surprised that he knew my name and we laughed about what had happened.
Later he and I got a chance to talk and I shared with him that I loved writing and that I had some ideas for some screenplays. He gave me some advise and said that he had just finished his first screenplay and that he had a producer looking at it right now. I told him my ambitions and that I loved acting and have always wanted to pursue it. Then I shared with him about my book and purity and reaching young women.
Later on in the day he told me that he would like to use me in his upcoming projects. He has something coming up for the History channel and something else for HBO...
WOW! He had all of my information already and he gave me his e-mail address so that I can send him an updated head shot!
Now I don't know if this will even go anywhere but how cool that I got my foot in the door...and I wasnt even trying!
...the list goes on with how many interesting people I met on set...I had so many opportunities to love and reach out.
"Reach Hollywood"? Yeah. In a way.That was the next generation of until I get there myself and do whatever God wants me to do-I'm reaching Hollywood right here in Cleveland Ohio!
I had an amazing experience watching this production come to life!! I saw cars being chased and crashed, Spiderman fighting off a villian & swinging from his web(well cable at least)and most of all I got to hear and be a part of the director saying "ACtion & Cut & that's a rap"
What a week! Thank you Lord for giving me this chance to play out my dream...I'll go where you lead...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Spidey and me

This is pretty much all I have in me right now to post...but here is a little teaser...a photo of Spidey and me...yes, that's right...the real Spiderman! He is really nice AND he helps people...can't get any better than that!
This picture of me is pretty bad-I know-but I was working off of like 4 hours of sleep everynight during filming and I had bronchitus(sp)!!!!But was it worth it? OHHHHHH YESSSSS!!!!!!!!