God is so cool! I'm amazed at Him everytime I actually give Him a chance to speak...unfortunatly I do most of the talking. I posted awhile ago about a meeting that I had with a friend of mine who is a well known speaker. He advised me to consider finding speaking events so that I could get comfortable with doing it and also to promote my upcoming book. I have known for awhile now that God was leading me in this direction(even though I've fought it for about 2 years now). I feel like God gave me a story to tell and that I have to tell it. No matter what. Well only a week after my meeting a friend approached me with an event. She wanted me to come and share my story with some young women. Amazing! I just about jumped out of the booth that I was sitting in. Again, God is good. He is always good, I just need to listen and pay attention more!
So, the event was a couple of weeks ago and let me say again...God is good! He gave me peace that I have never felt before while speaking in front of others. And He blessed the event dramatically. One mother who was at the event actually cried when I told her why I was there & what I was speaking on. Turns out that she had been praying for someone, like myself, who the young girls could talk to and open up to. Again, God is good! They heard my story on purity and now they want me to come and do another event for the rest of their friends...Should I say it one more time? Yeah, okay...God is good!
Since then I've gotten some Godly advice on how to better myself with public speaking and I'm excited to see how God is going to sharpen me in this area(I need a lot of sharpening too)...that's the exciting part of being in His will...when we seek Him, He will sharpen our gifts and He will open opportunities...God is good!