Here I am again. It's been a long time since I've posted & a lot has happened since. The girls started a new school since we moved & so far, all is well. I think they miss their friends & just the familiarity of the routine. Isabelle said to me" I like our old school better because they taught you about God in EVERY subject. "
It's crazy that a 1st grader noticed that. I miss that part too though. It was comforting to know that they were being taught how God is IN everything. When problems happened they were taught to lean on Him & find peace & solutions.
Yes, of course we also teach these things at home but there's something to say about it when you hear it outside of your own parents & hearing it from every teacher.
Beyond this we still feel like we've made the right decision to switch schools. Our family life has become less stressed, we have TIME now in the evenings together where we never did last year. Sometimes we ride our bikes or walk to school. Everything is just better this year. And our family needed this time of "togetherness" after a hard & stressful year last year.
I have been searching for a part time job-something, anything that I can do while the girls are at school. During this search David & I have been talking a lot about me just staying home to continue writing.
About 5 yrs ago I wrote a book that I've been too fearful to do anything with. Yet God continues to whisper to me to just DO IT & trust in HIM! So, I'm moving forward(again)and this time not stopping.
A few weeks ago I had a focus group of women over of all walks of life to read & discuss my book.
The response was amazing! Young & old told me that I needed to get this book out there.
I had young women say to me," I never thought of it like that, I'm going to try to do those things"
That's what I want for this book. Women's hearts changed. Girl's hearts opened. For them to see that they are loved & noticed.
That book is basically done. I'm just praying for a low cost editor to clean things up for me so that I can send out the manuscript to publishers.
So, I'm gonna keep writing. I have several ideas for other books & David has a few ideas up his sleeve also that he wants me to start writing.
If a job comes up that is like 3 days a week or so, I might consider it, but for now I'm gonna write.
What a different season we are in as a family. Our hectic, busy lives are over right now & to be honest...I am glad.
Don't fool yourself & run, run, run. It may seem fun & okay at the time but you gotta s...l...o...w down. Life is too precious to miss something really important. And what's really important is right here with your family...just being together-taking walks to Handel's ice cream, riding bikes, playing ping-pon, telling stories cuddled up with a blanket, laughing at a comic strip, collecting rocks, coloring, talking about God & his world, laughing till you pee your pants...these are the ingredients to a happy, healthy family life. Try it you'll be glad you did.